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Standard Calc Sequence

The sequence MATH 115-116-215 is the standard complete introduction to the concepts and methods of calculus. This sequence is taken by the majority of Michigan students intending to concentrate in the sciences or engineering, as well as students heading for many other fields.

Calculus I and II (MATH 115 and 116) emphasize conceptual understanding and the solving of real world problems. Both are taught in small, interactive classrooms that focus on cooperative learning, and both achieve extremely high scores in national measures of teaching effectiveness. The sequence concludes with multivariable calculus, Calculus III (MATH 215).

Students who have an interest in theory or who intend to take more advanced courses in Mathematics should follow MATH 215 by the sequence MATH 217-316 (Linear Algebra-Differential Equations). MATH 217 (or the Honors version, MATH 420) is required for a major in Mathematics; it both serves as a transition to the more theoretical material of advanced courses and provides the background required for MATH 316.

Students who are principally interested in the application of mathematics to other fields will typically need to complete coursework in linear algebra and/or differential equations. Such students usually take either MATH 214 (Linear Algebra) and/or MATH 216 (Introduction to Differential Equations); students should consult with an advisor in their intended field of study to determine which plan of study will best suit their needs. Note that the courses MATH 214, 215, and 216 can be taken in any order, but a student electing 216 will typically choose one of Matrix Algebra I (MATH 417) or Linear Spaces and Matrix Theory (MATH 419) for their linear algebra course.