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Departmental Scholarships

When applying for scholarships, please keep in mind that financial assistance from all sources during the academic year (September thru August) factors into the ongoing review of your financial aid eligibility now and in the future. This includes periods when you may not be actively enrolled in courses, and includes the spring/summer term following graduation. If your total financial aid, including any new offer, exceeds your eligibility for financial assistance this academic year, your aid may be limited in a future term or reduced from previously received assistance. You can learn more about financial aid terms and conditions on the Office of Financial Aid's website. If you have questions or want to consult with someone about your particular situation, please contact OFA.

Margaret S Huntington Prize in Actuarial Outreach

Award Amount: $1,000
Number Awarded: Several scholarships will be awarded to qualifying students.
Award Criteria:
  • Have First-Year or Sophomore standing
  • Be, at most, in their second term in residence
  • Have earned a grade of "A-" or better in one of the following courses: MATH 115, 116, 156, 185, or 275  OR
  • Have earned a grade of "B" or better in MATH 205, 215, 217, 285, 295, or 425
  • Be an undeclared Actuarial Math major.
Application Form: Apply here by March 9, 2025

M.S. Keeler Department of Mathematics Merit Scholarships

Award Amount: varies; $1,000–$5,000 per year for up to 4 years.
Number Awarded: The number of Keeler Merit Scholarships awarded varies depending on the number of qualified students.
Award Criteria: Prospective students presenting outstanding mathematical talent as evidenced by coursework and competitions and/or Current Undergraduates presenting outstanding mathematical talent as evidenced by coursework and competitions; must major in Mathematics. Students can begin applying for the scholarship.
Application Form: Apply here by May 4, 2025

Virginia McCulloh Scholarship

Award Amount: Amounts vary but range from $1,000–$4,000. 
Number Awarded: The number of McCulloh Scholarships awarded varies depending on the number of qualified students.
Award Criteria: The Virginia McCulloh Scholarship is open to all declared Mathematics majors.  Virginia McCulloh was dedicated to all mathematics students.  Students must write a short essay indicating why they feel qualified for this scholarship.   
Application Form: Apply here by May 4, 2025

Working Student Scholarship

Funds: Generously funded by a gift from Dr. Alan K. Cline and Ms. Elaine A. Rich.
Award Amount: Amounts vary
Number Awarded: The number of working student scholarships awarded varies depending on the number of qualified students.
Award Criteria: The Working Student Scholarship is open to all declared Mathematics majors who work an average of 10 (or more) hours a week to cover basic needs and have financial need.
Application Form: Apply here by May 4, 2025

Mathematics Emergency Scholarship

Award Amount: A one time scholarship which ranges depending on student need
Number Awarded: The number of Emergency Scholarships awarded varies depending on the number of qualified students .
Award Criteria: The Mathematics Emergency Scholarship was created to provide support to Mathematics students facing an unexpected emergency that causes financial hardship. To qualify, you must be a current undergraduate mathematics major with less than 4 terms left to complete your undergraduate degree. You must be declared in Mathematics and have documented financial need.

This scholarship is intended to help students facing financial hardship due to an unforeseen dire circumstance. Examples include sudden illness, loss of an immediate family member, major accidents, and natural disasters. Poor financial choices do not constitute an emergency (e.g. credit card debt, poor use of financial aid funding, loans of your need-based aid to friends or family). This scholarship is not intended to supplement a student's financial aid package, and we cannot award funds beyond what a student's aid package allows.

For qualified Math students, the scholarship can be used to cover educational expenses (tuition, fees, room and board, books, etc.) and non-educational expenses (food, utility bills, prescriptions, emergency travel, health insurance, medical bills, etc.) as long as the student has experienced a recent unexpected emergency. Please be sure to itemize any incurred expenses that you would like us to consider for emergency funding.
Application Form: Apply here.  Applications reviewed on a rolling basis

Other Scholarship & Emergency Fund Resources

Scholarships are also available through the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.  

CEW+ offers additional funding & support to students in difficult situations.  Students should contact CEW+ directly to obtain services. The best way to request an appointment to discuss emergency funding or schedule career/education counseling is through our online form, available here: . They can also email or call 734-764-6360.