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Maya Barzilai
Director, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies; Professor
2111 Thayer 734.647.7862
Sara Blair
Patricia S. Yaeger Collegiate Professor; Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Arts & Humanities
3251 Angell, 1003 734.764.0247
Walter Cohen
3187 Angell, 1003 734.764.6330
Jonathan Freedman
Marvin Felheim Collegiate Professor
3036 Angell, 1003 734.764.0475
Elliot Ginsburg
Associate Professor, Executive Committee Member
3016 Thayer, 1608 734.763.4670
Mikhail Krutikov
Preston R. Tisch Professor of Judaic Studies
3040 MLB, 1275 734.647.2136
Julian Levinson
Associate Director, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies; Samuel Shetzer Professor of American Jewish Studies
3144 Angell, 1003
734.764.2276 / 734.615.8510
Rafael Neis
2749 Haven Hall
Anita Norich
Tikva Frymer-Kensky Collegiate Professor Emerita of English Language and Literature, Professor Emerita of English Language and Literature, Professor Emerita of Judaic Studies
3074 Tisch, 1003 734.764.6341
Benjamin Paloff
Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures and of Comparative Literature
3040 MLB, 1275 734.764.5375
Shachar Pinsker
4155 Thayer, 1608 7342391040
Bryan Roby
Associate Professor
2111 Thayer, 1608 734.615.8563
Brian Schmidt
3167 Thayer, 1608 734.647.0069
Scott Spector
Rudolf Mrazek Collegiate Professor of History and German Studies
3204 MLB 734.647.0401
Jindrich Toman
3218 MLB, 1275 734.764.5355
Ruth Tsoffar
2233 Lane, 1290 734.936.5766