- Applications
- Fellows
- Governance
- Themes
- 2024-2025 Jewish/Queer/Trans
- 2023-2024 Jewish Visual Cultures
- 2022-2023 Mizrahim and the Politics of Ethnicity
- 2021-2022 Second Temple Judaism: The Challenge of Diversity
- 2020-2021 Translating Jewish Cultures
- 2019-2020 Yiddish Matters
- 2018-2019: Sephardic Identities Medieval and Early Modern
- 2017-2018 Jews and the Material in Antiquity
- 2016-2017 Israeli Histories, Societies, and Cultures
- 2015-2016 Secularization/Sacralization
- 2014-2015 Jews and Empires
- 2013-2014 New Perspectives on Gender and Jewish Life
- 2012-2013 Borders of Jewishness: Microhistories of Encounter
- 2011-2012 Jews & Political Life
- 2010-2011 Critical Terms in Jewish Language Studies
- 2009-2010 The Culture of Jewish Objects
- 2008-2009 Studying Jews
- 2007-2008 Jews & the City
- 2025-2026 Jews and Media
- 2026-2027 Rethinking Antisemitism
The Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan invites scholars for a residential fellowship in 2022-2023 to develop interdisciplinary and intersectional conversations on the meaning of ethnicity in the study of Mizrahi (Arab-Jewish) culture. Our goal is to gather a dynamic forum of scholars from a variety of disciplines, willing to reflect on the state of the field, and further expand, diversify, and theorize the discussion of Jewish/Israeli society and culture.
Whereas Mizrahim and their rich, diverse cultures have become more visible and prolific in Jewish and Israeli cultures, they are still underrepresented, even invisible, in Judaic and Ethnic Studies. In Israel and within global Jewish communities, Mizrahim have historically been constructed as 'Edot, ethnic groups, within a hierarchical discourse of Ashkenazi dominant culture. This has reduced a diverse group of people to essentialized objects of anthropological study, obscuring their complexity and interconnectedness. But once released from this binary paradigm, subjectivity and agency emerge, and the intersections of “the ethnic” within frameworks of gender, class, sexuality, queerness, and dis/ability can be rendered tangible.
We seek proposals from scholars who will explore and grapple with questions such as: What are the political, economic, and cultural challenges confronting people of Mizrahi descent? What are their struggles for inclusion and advancement in both Israel and abroad? How should we undo cultural myths and practices of exclusion? What should the critique of logical systems, categories and hierarchies in Israeli/Jewish culture be? What connections can we draw between the study of Mizrahim and that of Palestinians and other Minorities? How does one compare or translate ethnic relations and conflicts? How can we write new histories and narratives of Mizrahi experiences? How can scholarship on Mizrahim enrich conversations on ethnicity within Judaic Studies?
By bringing together a diverse group of scholars who approach the material from a variety of perspectives within the humanities and social sciences, the Frankel Institute hopes to develop new understandings of Mizrahim and the politics of ethnicity.
Merav Alush-Levron
Tel-Aviv University
"The Politics of Self-Representation in Contemporary Israeli Cinema and Television: Mizrahim Beyond the Construction of Loss and Subjection"
Gil Anidjar
Columbia University
"What's in a Frame?"
Shirly Bahar
Columbia University
"In Formation: Visualizing the Racialization of the Middle Eastern Jew, 1882 - 1948"
Rafael Balulu
Israel Institute of Technology
"Thoughts about the Possibility Offered by the 'Metaverse' on Mizrahi History and Aesthetics"
Inbal Blau
Ono Academic College
"Mizrahi Discourse on Traditional Justice - The Cases of Ringworm Treatment and Yemeni Children in Israel"
Yali Hashash
Tel-Aviv University
"Mizrahi Feminism between Class, Religion, and Nationalism: A New Comparative Framework"
Gal Levy
The Open University of Israel
"What Kind of Diversity Are We?": Reading Mizrahi from the Occident"
Liron Mor
University of California, Irvine
"Intention: The Racialization of Truth and the Literality of the Other"
Avner Ofrath
University of Bremen, Germany
"A Language of One's Own: Writing Politically in Judeo-Arabic, c. 1860 - 1940"
Yoav Peled
Tel-Aviv University
"Populist Protest: Class and Ethnicity in Mizrahi Political Behavior"
Daniel Schroeter
University of Minnesota
"The Global Politics of Moroccan Jewish Ethnicity During the Era of King Hassan II"
Naphtaly Shem-Tov
The Open University of Israel
"Contemporary Mizrahi Theater: Four Performing Mizrahi Frameworks in Israel"
Ella Shohat
New York University
"Language, Culture, and the Imaginary of Mizrahi Belonging: Re-membering the Arabic Past in the Hebrew Present"
Ruth Tsoffar
University of Michigan
"Reading as the Ethnic Subject: Bible, Feminism, Violence"
Erez Tzfadia
Sapir College, Israel
"Mizrahim and the Local Politics of Ethnicity in Development Towns"