BA in Judaic Studies, 2004
Assistant Rabbi, Congregation Neveh Shalom, Portland, Oregon
Job responsibilities:
"I am primarily responsible for running our experiential and informal education for families with children ages 0-18. I also preach from the Bimah on Shabbat, lead lifecycle events and offer support services to all families in our congregation."
Why her work is rewarding:
"I am blessed to engage with Jews in every stage of their journey. From blessing a baby at birth or leading the Shema with three year olds, to studying one on one with elderly congregants and everything in between. My work is rewarding because I can see that I am constantly learning and growing and I know that [my congregation] are equally being nourished by my teaching."
About studying at the Frankel Center:
"The foundation for my current position was cemented at the University of Michigan’s Frankel Center. From the "Early Jewish History" classes to "Women in Judaism" and even my basic Hebrew language classes. Every day I draw on these lessons. The teachers ultimately supported me on my journey to discovering that rabbinical school was my career path. I look back at least once a week to my notes and papers from that time as a resource."
How her edcuation prepared her for her current job:
"The work I did while learning about the foundations of Judaism and the rich history of our people helped me to fall in love with the narrative of our people, which has continued through my life today. I know how to learn because of my experience at UM. I know how to teach largely because I had excellent professors."
Advice to students who are considering studying Judaic Studies:
"Invest, immerse, explore. The faculty are phenomenal, the program is rich and full. This is the time to enjoy learning, to create a foundation and challenge yourself deeply. "