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Medieval and Early Modern Studies

Historians in the department who work on the medieval and early modern periods (ca. 500-1800) are dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of worlds that form a counterpoint to modernity and offer a vantage point from which to understand and interrogate it. Visual, print, and material cultures; religion; gender and sexuality; and the meeting of cultures across the Mediterranean, Atlantic, and Pacific are of particular interest.  Faculty and graduate students participate in a variety of interdisciplinary reading and discussion groups including the Premodern Colloquium, the Eighteenth-Century Studies Group, and the Atlantic Studies Initiative. History is also one of the core disciplines of the Medieval and Early Modern Studies Program (MEMS), which offers an undergraduate minor and in which graduate students can earn a certificate while completing requirements for the doctorate.

H. Erdem Cipa
Associate Professor of Ottoman History
3012 Thayer Building
Katherine French
J. Frederick Hoffman Professor of History
Associate Director of Graduate Studies
1733 Haven Hall 734.647.4899
Clement Hawes
Professor Emeritus
3172 Angell Hall 734.936.2700
Valerie A. Kivelson
Thomas N. Tentler Collegiate Professor; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of History
2743 Haven Hall
Victor B. Lieberman
Raoul Wallenberg Distinguished University Professor of History and Professor of Asian and Comparative History
1741 Haven Hall
Helmut Puff
Elizabeth L. Eisenstein Collegiate Professor of History and Germanic Languages
3142 MLB
Hitomi Tonomura
University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor
1727 Haven Hall