Siegfried Kracauer's American Writings: Essays on Film and Popular Culture
Siegfried Kracauer (Author), Johannes von Moltke (Editor), Kristy Rawson (Editor), Martin Jay (Afterword by)
Siegfried Kracauer's American Writings allows readers to delve into Kracauer's film and cultural criticism from a fascinating era of American intellectual life. Writing on the margins of the so-called "New York Intellectuals" and of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory (also in exile in New York), Kracauer commented insightfully on everything from Disney's Dumbo to "Hollywood's Terror Films," from Italian Neorealism to early postwar cinema in Germany, from Jewish culture in the United States to the "State of the Humanities" in the early 1960s – which turns out to harbor some remarkable parallels to their state today.
Publisher: University of California Press
Month of Publication: June
Year of Publication: 2012
# of Pages: 304
ISBN: 9780520271821