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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC)

Location: Sarajevo

Organization Description: PCRC is dedicated to restoring a culture of peace and preventing violent conflict in the Western Balkans by creating, implementing and supporting unconventional and innovative approaches to peace education, post-conflict research, human rights and transitional justice. They strive for a society where people no longer perceive diversity as a source of conflict, but as the basis for prosperity. website

War Childhood Museum

Location: Sarajevo

Organization Description: The War Childhood Museum (WCM) is the world's only museum exclusively focused on the experience of growing up affected by war. It serves as a platform for people whose childhoods have been affected by armed conflicts, to share and exchange their experiences. Currently, the WCM holds a collection of 4,000 crowd-sourced objects and accompanying stories originating from the 1992-1995 Bosnian War and other conflict-affected countries, as well as more than 150 hours of video testimonies. The Museum’s innovative approaches to peace and empathy-building, as well as its commitment to celebrating the resilience of children garnered the attention of academic institutions and media outlets from New York City to Tokyo. After just one year of operation, the WCM has been awarded one of the most prestigious awards in the museum industry, The Council of Europe Museum Prize for 2018, under the European Museum of the Year Scheme. website