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UMAPS Research Colloquium

Thursday, January 7, 2016
5:00 AM
Koessler Room, Michigan League

“Territorial Management of Ethnic Diversity and Minorities Within Minorities in Two African Federations”

by Yonatan Fessha, University of Western Cape, South Africa

“Assessment of the Contribution of Wild Products to Rural Livelihoods in Naitolia Village, Monduli District”

by John Ulumara, University of Dodoma, Tanzania

“Co-constituting the Process of Schooling: A Sociological Inquiry of Interrelationships between Parents, Learners and a Township Secondary School in the Tshwane South District, South Africa”

by Vangile Bingma, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Yonatan Fessha (South Africa); John Ulumara (Tanzania); Vangile Bingma (South Africa)