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Faculty Associates

Germine Awad:  University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology.  Personality & Social Contexts; Psychology; Gender & Feminist Psychology. 

Murad Idris: Associate Professor, Political Science.  Political Science; Political Theory; Arab and Muslim American Studies.

Leila Kawar: Associate Professor; Law and society; Migration and migrant labor; Transnational social movements; Social, cultural, and institutional dynamics of legal systems.

Aliya Khan: Associate Professor of English; Associate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies; Director of the Global Islamic Studies Center, International Institute. Postcolonial Caribbean literature and the contemporary literature of the Muslim and Islamic worlds.

Osman Khan: Professor, School of Art & Design. Use of technology to construct artifacts and experiences for social criticism and aesthetic expression.

Ann Chih Lin:  Associate Professor of Public Policy; Director, Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies;  Politics of Public Policy; Policy implementation in the Context of Racial and Ethnic Difference; Pandemic Response.

Khaled Mattawa:  Professor, English Language and Literature. Postcolonial Studies; Graduate Faculty; English; MFA Faculty; Twentieth Century American; American; Creative Writing; Poetry and Poetics

Yasmin Moll: Assistant Professor of Anthropology. Religion and Media in the Middle East.  Multimodal ethnography. Islam. Nubians.

Andrew Shryock: Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Anthropology. Cultural Anthropology; Yemen; Jordan; Detroit; Nationalism; Historicity; Oral tradition;  Tribe-State Relations; Modernity;  Ethnicity;  Mass Mediated Culture; Diaspora; Community Formation; Identity Politics.

Jason Young: Associate Professor; Arab and Muslim American Studies; Advisory Board.