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Computational Geometry for Design Optimization

Hannah Hajdik
Friday, March 21, 2025
1:30-3:00 PM
Numerical analysis and optimization are valuable tools for aircraft design, especially for new configurations with little historical data or designer intuition. However, complex designs can be excluded from high-fidelity design optimization due to limitations in how geometry is handled.
New geometric parameterizations and constraints have not been studied in depth and few methods allow for the optimization of designs with intersections. This research opens optimization to a larger range of aircraft designs by addressing gaps in understanding of the performance of different geometric parameterizations and the effects of spatial integration constraints as well as developing two methods for optimizing designs with intersections.

In-Person 1044 FXB (McDivitt Conference Room) or Virtual: (passcode: geo)
Building: Off Campus Location
Location: Virtual
Event Link:
Event Password: geo
Event Type: Lecture / Discussion
Tags: #michiganengineering
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Aerospace Engineering