How do I declare a Political Science major or minor?
Once you have met the prerequisites, make an appointment with a Political Science advisor to declare.
What is a release and how do I get one?
A release is a way for the department to tell the college auditors that you are done with the major/minor or almost done with a list of remaining requirements. Students must make an appointment for a release and we encourage them to have this appointment before registering for their final term to make sure they are taking the correct courses.
What subfields does this Political Science course fall under?
Each term, we publish a Subfield Guide that lists every Political Science course and its corresponding subfield. Expect to see this published on the Advising page of the Political Science website around the same time that the LSA Course Guide goes live.
Can I take POLSCI 389 and 489 multiple times?
Yes, as long as the topics are different students are able to take 389 and 489 for up to 12 credits each.
I took a course that was listed as meeting a certain subfield but it is not showing up under my breadth requirement in my Unofficial Audit Checklist.
Some newer courses are not programmed to automatically meet subfield requirements in the system. Send an email to and we can write a manual override to the requirement.
I cannot enroll in a course because it is full/I do no meet the pre-requisites. Can I get an override?
Our full waitlist policy can be found here. Only instructors are able to approve overrides beyond waitlist order.
I have AP or transfer credit for one of the pre-requisite courses, can this be counted as one of my prerequisite courses?
Yes! If the course came in as equivalent credit (i.e. listed on your transcript as POLSCI 101, POLSCI 111, POLSCI 140, or POLSCI 160) then it will automatically count as one of your prerequistes. If the course transferred in as Departmental Credit (e.g. POLSCI 101X or POLSCI 201X), send the syllabus to for review. A 3 or above on the AP U.S. Government & Politics exam and the A.P. Comparative Government & Politics exam provide credit for POLSCI 111 and POLSCI 140 respectively.
I am studying abroad or transferred in, how do I get courses approved towards my major/minor?
Once you have the syllabi for the courses you are going to take, send them to for approval. This approval can be provided before you leave. The limits to using study abroad/transfer coursework are: 12 credits in the Political Science major and 2 courses in the Political Science minor.
Can I take this course pass/fail?
No. Any course taken in the department of a major or minor, including prerequisties and any courses not being used for the requirements of the plan, must be taken for a letter grade.
I have a question about my LSA requirements (e.g. distribution, ULWR, language requirement).
Political Science advisors can only advise on Political Science requirements. For questions about your college-level requirements, even if it involves a Political Science course, speak with your general advisor (e.g. Newnan, Honors, CSP).