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Study Abroad

You may wish to combine environmental study with travel to an ecosystem or culture unlike any in North America. If so, a study abroad program may be your best option for field experience.

To satisfy the Practical Experience requirement, a Study Abroad course/program must:

  • be elected for 3 or more credit hours,
  • be or have a field component (non classroom) of at least 2 weeks in duration,
  • have content related to the environment,
  • be pre-approved by a PitE Advisor

Choosing a study abroad program through the Center for Global and Intercultural Studies (CGIS) allows students to use their financial aid and other awards directly toward the program of their choice.


Application deadlines are at the beginning of the term, often the second week of classes. Please refer to CGIS's website for application deadlines for your program of choice.

*IMPORTANT* Before committing to any program, you MUST make sure that they transfer to the University of Michigan from the institution from which they are offered. You can make sure courses are transferrable by submitting the form here

Important things to know before you go:

You Must Register your travel through the Travel Registry. If you plan to study abroad through a program not administered by CGIS (e.g. Wildlands Studies), you must register your travel before you leave.

The university strongly encourages faculty and students to sign up for Travel Abroad Health Insurance. The insurance costs $1.25 per day and also provides political or natural disaster evacuation should a situation arise.

Students should also visit the U-M Travel Warning and Travel Restriction Locations. It is advised that students meet with a PitE Advisor when considering studying abroad to ensure that that the program selected meets major or minor requirements.