Chief Vertebrate Preparator, Museum of Paleontology
Associate Research Scientist, Museum of Paleontology
Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Anthropology
Office Information:
3238 Biological Sciences Building
phone: 734.647.2098
Museum of Paleontology; Staff; Research
Ph.D. Anthropology, New York University, 1995M.Phil. Paleoanthropology, Dept. of Anthropology, New York Univ., 1990
A.B. Anthropology, The College, The University of Chicago, 1979
Highlighted Work and Publications
Small vertebrates from Khasm El-Raqaba, late Middle Miocene, Eastern Desert, Egypt
Gregg F. Gunnell, Alisa J. Winkler, Ellen R. Miller, Jason J. Head, Ahmed N. El-Barkooky, Mohamed Abdel Gawad, William J. Sanders & Philip D. Gingerich
Dietary reconstruction of pygmy mammoths from Santa Rosa Island of California
William J. Sanders, Gina M. Semprebon, Florent Rivals, Julia M. Fahlke, Adrian M. Lister, Ursula B. Göhlich