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James Andrews
PhD Student, Advisor: Matt Friedman
3102 Biological Sciences Building
Tomasz Baumiller
Emeritus, Curator, Museum of Paleontology
Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
1018 Research Museums Center 734.764.7543
Brielle Canares
Master's Student, Advisor: Mónica Carvalho
3102 Biological Sciences Building
Lindsey DeHaan
PhD Student, Advisor: Matt Friedman
3102 Biological Sciences Building
Sanaa El-Sayed
PhD Student, Advisor: Matt Friedman
3102 Biological Science Building
Rodrigo Tinoco Figueroa
PhD Student, Advisor: Matt Friedman
3102 Biological Science Building
Daniel Fisher
Curator, Museum of Paleontology;
Claude W. Hibbard Collegiate Professor of Paleontology;
Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences;
Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
3132 Biological Sciences Building 734.764.0488
Matt Friedman
Director and Associate Curator, Museum of Paleontology
Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
3114 Biological Sciences Building 734.764.0490
Philip Gingerich
Emeritus, Curator, Museum of Paleontology; Emeritus, Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences; Emeritus, Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Emeritus, Professor, Anthropology
1222 Research Museums Center
Fabian Hardy
Postdoctoral Fellow working with Catherine Badgley
3102 Biological Sciences Building
Lynnea Jackson
Ph.D. Student, Advisor: Jeff Wilson Mantilla
3102 Biological Sciences Building
Tariq Abdul Kareem
PhD Student, Advisor: Jeffrey Wilson
3102 Biological Sciences Building
Teddy Matel
Ph.D. Student, Advisor: Mónica Carvalho
3102 Biological Sciences Building
Rafael A Rivero-Vega
PhD Student, Advisor: Matt Friedman
3102 Biological Sciences Building
Hadeel Saad
PhD Student, Advisor: Matt Friedman
3102 Biological Sciences Building
Ethan Shirley
PhD Student, Advisor: Daniel Fisher
3102 Biological Sciences Building
Kevin Velez-Rosado
PhD Student, Advisor: Jeff Wilson
3102 Biological Science Building
Jeffrey Wilson Mantilla
Curator, Museum of Paleontology
Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
3118 Biological Sciences Building 734.647.7461