The Program requires a series of exams.
Two modern scholarly languages, usually German and either French or Italian. These are the exams already administered by the Classical Studies or History department. Students should take these exams as soon as possible after entering the Program.
Qualifying examinations in ancient Greek and LatinĀ are similar to the qualifying exams required in the Department of Classical Studies, based on a reading list detailed in the IPAH Handbook. Students usually take these exams soon after completing the required courses in Greek and Roman literature. On a case by case basis, students may substitute another appropriate ancient language for either Latin or ancient Greek. Some students will find this alternative combination of languages more effective for their planned research.
Preliminary examinations in three fields, selected in consultation with the Director and the supervising professors. The primary field is evaluated in a written exam, and then all three fields in a comprehensive oral exam.
1. A primary field in ancient history, organized around a topic, period, and/or theme.
2. A secondary field in ancient history (different region / culture from the primary field), organized around a topic, period, and/or theme.
3. A comparative/thematic/methodological historical field