UROP Mentor: Jayye Johnson

UROP Researcher: Mariel Vander Schuur

What is your research project?

Mothers of Color in America Deserve Better | Examining the Intersectionality of Agency in Policy Advocacy Among Mothers of Color

What are the goals of your research project?

In this study, we would like to identify themes/characteristics that women of color share that connect to their feelings of agency in relation to affecting policy change in America. As a result of this research, we would like to be able to provide messaging guidance regarding policy advocacy that will resonate with women of color in America. We hope that this research study will be able to inform efforts in promoting family-friendly advocacy that is inclusive towards women of color in America.

Why is this research important?

This study would improve the current field of policy advocacy and sociology by receiving input directly from women of color. This study would provide women of color, who are often overlooked in these types of efforts, a voice in how they feel about current policy advocacy efforts. In addition, women of color would be able to share their experiences on how the prejudices women of color face due to the “overlapping interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage” in America affect their ability to influence policy change.

What drives you to conduct this research?

I am passionate about this work because I believe the research and academia spaces need to be more inclusive of diverse voices. For far too long these spaces have been dominated by cis-gendered heterosexual white men. The rigorous nature of these spaces calls for an unbiased approach, however, researchers are still humans at the end of the day. When we limit the representation in these spaces it can unfortunately lead to bias, discrimination, and inequality.

Is there a Call to Action you would like to encourage?

Visit our website to receive updates on how to take action on policy change - https://www.motheringjustice.org/getinvolved