You need time to select the medical or other health professional schools you want to attend. It can be tempting to gravitate toward the most famous institutions. But more important than the reputation of the institution is how well you fit with the mission and “personality” of the school. Take time to research your programs and find the right fit for you.
Here are some questions to ask yourself as you research schools:
What is the mission of the school and does it resonate for you?
Does the program or school have a particular focus or area of emphasis which speaks to your experience?
What sort of environment is fostered by the school?
Does the school put research at the heart of its mission and curriculum–and, if so, do you have enough research experience to be a good fit for their program?
Consider where the school is located. What would it be like to live there for the next several years?
What is the cultural climate at this institution?
What kinds of academic and other support services will the institution offer, including financial support?
Take time to learn about the professional schools where you hope to apply. Here are some links to help you identify target schools in your health profession:
ADEA (Dentistry)