Sample Course Offerings
Students may also work informally in Native American Studies through their concentration (or major) in the Program in American Culture. The departments of Anthropology, History, and English also provide many courses that involve Native American Studies, taught by the Native American Studies faculty.
Here are examples of undergraduate courses that have been taught over the past several years. Unless otherwise noted, these courses are in the Program in American Culture. Most of them are also cross-listed with other departments, such as History, Anthropology, and English:
217 Native American Studies
222 Elementary Ojibwa I (offered Fall Semesters)
223 Elementary Ojibwa II (offered Winter Semesters)
310 Blacks, Indians, and the Making of America
316 Native American Peoples of North America
322 Intermediate Ojibwa I (offered Fall Semesters)
323 Intermediate Ojibwa II (offered Winter Semesters)
328 Native American Literature
338 Native American Women's History
367 American Indian History
373 History of the American West
417 Contemporary Native American Women Writers
422 Advanced Ojibwa I (offered Fall Semesters)
423 Advanced Ojibwa II (offered Winter Semesters)
428 Native American Literature
461 Language Culture and Society in Native N. America
496 Seminar: Native American Mental Health
498 Seminar: Native American Autobiography
498 Seminar: Native American Women Writers