The accumulation of human capital is a key determinant of economic growth, productivity, welfare, and inequality. Formal education, from pre-K through graduate education, is a central channel through which this accumulation occurs and the most direct target for public policy. Our faculty and students apply the analytic tools of economics to understand the education sector, drawing on models and methods from labor, public, and industrial organization, among others. We examine the incentives and behavior of the supply (schools and colleges) and investment (students) sides of the market for education, as well as policies that impact both.
Faculty in the Field
Primary Appointment within the
Economics Department
Primary Appointment outside the
Economics Department
School of Education & Department of Economics (courtesy)
Ford School of Public Policy & Department of Economics (courtesy)
Ford School of Public Policy, Institute for Social Research, & School of Education
Recent Graduate Student Placement Locations
Amherst College
College Board
American Institutes for Research
Dartmouth College
Duke University
Mathematica Policy Research
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
United States Census Bureau
Vanderbilt University
World Bank