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Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies (LRCCS)
Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies
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China Internship Initiative
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LRCCS Fudan-Michigan Collaborations in the Social Sciences | Call for Proposals
Yuen Yuen Ang quoted in the The Straits Times (Asia)
LRCCS Associate Director Pär Cassel a signatory on opinion piece in "Svenska Dagbladet"
Gift by Donald and Ann Munro Helps Establish Tenure-Track Professorship in Chinese Philosophy
What Is Remembered
Announcing an LRCCS Conference| China Between Worlds
Creating a world-class Chinese dance collection
LRCCS faculty associate and architecture professor Robert Adams receives Neubacher Award
Does a Stronger Xi Mean a Weaker Chinese Communist Party?
LRCCS faculty associate Jersey Liang named U-M Professor of Global Health.
Two LRCCS faculty associates in the news.
Yuen Yuen Ang, Associate Professor of Political Science, has been named an Andrew Carnegie Fellow for 2018
LRCCS director Mary Gallagher quoted in Bloomberg
LRCCS faculty member Yuen Yuen Ang on why China's 'McDonald's model' of development could help poor countries - but Beijing may be drawing the wrong conclusions
New Chair in Tibetan Buddhist Studies
From the US Women’s History to the History of Chinese Feminism--How Feminism has Transformed the World: An Interview with U-M Professor Wang Zheng
“Whether you know anything about Chinese culture or you just love opera..."
China could scrap two-child policy, ending nearly 40 years of limits
Professor Donald Lopez is Interviewed in Buddhistdoor Global
Yuen Yuen Ang in Bloomberg | Needed for China’s Belt and Road: a Roadmap
How #MeToo Is Taking on a Life of Its Own in Asia
Linda Lin discusses the fall of the Yuan relative to the dollar on NPR
Professor Emily Wilcox on Radio-Television Serbia
Yuen Yuen Ang in the NY Times
Linda Lim interviewed on NPR
Professor Xiaobing Tang in Southern Metropolis Daily (南方都市报)
Nicholas Howson to the CBC: Chinese politicians, not judges, may determine fate of Canadian sentenced to die
Announcing LRCCS Distinguished Visitor: Playwright and Director Stan Lai
LRCCS director Mary Gallagher quoted in the Financial Times
LRCCS Post-doctoral Fellow Liz Berger in LiveScience
Yuen Yuen Ang is interviewed in the NY Times and contributes an article to The Paper
Emily Wilcox talks "Shen Yun" with the "New Yorker"
LRCCS director Mary Gallagher quoted in The Verge
LRCCS faculty member Erik Mueggler awarded prestigious Guggenheim Fellowships
Yuen Yuen Ang opinion article in the South China Morning Post
Jeffrey Javed, LRCCS postdoctoral scholar, has an article published by Monkey Cage
Mary Gallagher is a guest on NPR's On Point
Mary Gallagher quoted by the BBC in "Trade war: How reliant are US colleges on Chinese students?"
Mary Gallagher in ChinaFile article, "How Should the U.S. Government Treat Chinese Students in America?"
LRCCS faculty member Miranda Brown discusses Asian culture in Toledo with the "Toledo Blade"
Now Available: Our 2019 Newsletter
Yuen Yuen Ang’s work is featured in Wall Street Journal article “China’s Corruption Paradox”
Fang Zhang, LRCCS center associate, interviewed by Sinovision (美国中文网)
The Washington Post's Fareed Zakaria references research conducted by recent LRCCS postdoc Jeffrey Javed
Michigan Daily covers LRCCS event: UC San Diego professor discusses crisis in US-China relations
Is Violence in Hong Kong’s Protests Turning off Moderates?
U-M and LRCCS profiled at Xinhua
Mary Gallagher in Reuters on the shortage of testing supplies and China’s initial reticence in dealing with the coronavirus outbreak.
COVID-19 and US-China Relations
Mary Gallagher among Vox's "12 experts on how the US should hold China accountable for the coronavirus"
LRCCS Congratulates Our 2020 Graduates
LRCCS China Internship Initiative: Expanding Ties with China
Announcing "Connecting Pacific" podcasts featuring faculty, alums and students on contemporary China, Hong Kong, pandemics, and prejudice
Announcing "Connecting Pacific" Podcast Episode 3: Fear and Anger
Wang Zheng in The Paper (澎湃新闻)
"As an opportunity for engagement, what could be better than educating the next generation of Chinese leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists, and creative artists?"
"Why not consume the blood?" Professor Miranda Brown in the "South China Morning Post"
Announcing a Special Webinar | Covid Impact on U-M Chinese Studies Students
LRCCS: People-to-People Exchange Strengthens Connections during COVID-19 Pandemic
Professor Nico Howson talks with the Nikkei Asian Review about the legality of the Trump administration's ban on WeChat
II Director Mary Gallagher on the Deterioration Of US-China Relations
Liangyu Fu receives University Librarian Recognition Award
China’s educated housewives feel overworked and under appreciated; Yun Zhou in the "South China Morning Post"
Professor Wang Zheng discusses #MeToo in China with "The Economist"
LRCCS is now accepting applications for 2022 postdoctoral fellow positions
Yuen Yuen Ang in the South China Morning Post
Video of LRCCS Virtual Alumni Event December 9, 2020
Professor Yuen Yuen Ang speaks with NPR about China's corruption crackdown
International Institute director Mary Gallagher discusses Beijing's efforts to spin the origin story of COVID 19
Yuen Yuen Ang Says More…
"Yes, Anti-China invective in Foreign Policy puts a Target on Asian-Americans’ Backs"
"It is common to portray U.S.-China relations as a 'clash of civilizations' -- two cultural opposites with nothing in common. This narrative is unhelpful, even misleading."
Miranda Brown talks with CNN about double-yolk eggs in Gaoyou
Yun Zhou on France 24 speaking about "China Demographic Crisis"
Yun Zhou contributes a commentary piece to the "Washington Post"
Miranda Brown on the misunderstood history of milk, and milk tea, in China
Lan Deng speaks with Bloomberg about the possibility that one failing company could have a big impact on China's economy
“Those pop stars actually act as intermediaries or opinion leaders to help the authorities to circulate propagandistic messages more effectively than officials.”
Sheng Zou, LRCCS Post-Doctoral Fellow, speaks with Vice
Yichen Rao, LRCCS postdoc, delivers a Yixi Talk
Biden and China, Writing and problem-solving
Yun Zhou on NBC News
II Director, Mary Gallagher, discusses the Women's Tennis Association response to Beijing
Yun Zhou talks contraception and population with Deutsche Welle
Ann Lin in the news
"The image and narrative presented will be a strong China, a China in control."
Silvia Lindtner receives Association for Asian Studies' Joseph Levinson Prize
LRCCS post-doc Sheng Zou speaks to the Voice of America
LRCCS director, Ann Chih Lin, speaks with NPR
Professor Miranda Brown discusses Asian junk food with
Yun Zhou speaks with "Quartz" on the tensions between feminism and Beijing's worries about population decline
LRCCS post-doctoral fellow Sheng Zou quoted in the "Rest of the World"
Miranda Brown discusses Panda Express with NBC News
LRCCS director, Ann Chih Lin, speaks with the "Wall Street Journal" about tensions driving Chinese scholars out of US universities
U-M Professor Yun Zhou speaks with the "New York Times" about dating apps in China
U-M Alums speak with the "Financial Times" about "The cost of China’s information vacuum."
International Institute director, Mary Gallagher, quoted by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
LRCCS research fellow Jundai Liu quoted by Nikkei Asia
LRCCS is now accepting applications for 2023 postdoctoral fellow positions
Professor Yun Zhou discusses China's population decline with a host of media outlets
Mary Gallagher speaks with the "Hindustan Times" about the importance of maintaining US-China diplomatic relations
Yun Zhou quoted in Guardian on China's falling marriage rates, despite Beijing's efforts
LRCCS Mourns the Passing of Donald J. Munro
Remembering Xiaohong Xu
China’s Communist Party officials used press coverage of corruption to undercut rivals, U-M professor's study of 2000-2014 data shows
US universities secretly turned their back on Chinese professors under DOJ’s China Initiative
U-M study finds that concentration of China's real estate industry led to property market crisis
Xi Jinping’s Russian Lessons: What the Chinese Leader’s Father Taught Him About Dealing With Moscow
Professor Zhouyun Quoted in New York Times on China's Halt of Foreign Adoption Policies
Antonioni’s 1972 China Film: Political Controversy and Its Impact on Tourism
Trump's China Policy: Uncertainty, Deals, and “Maximum Pressure” in a Second Term
University of Michigan to host Chinese opera Kunqu performance
Archived News
January 2016
Linda Lim, LRCCS faculty associate and Ross School of Business professor, discusses China's untapped consumer market on NPR.
October 2015
Watch the Video ~ LRCCS Symposium: China's Economy Today: The New Normal and Old Challenges
June 2015
LRCCS faculty associates share views on China in LSA Magazine article "Big Red"
April 2015
LRCCS director Mary Gallagher sheds light on the increase of worker strikes in China
LRCCS faculty associate Wang Zheng provides a strong voice of advocacy and analysis on the continued detention of feminist activists in China
LRCCS faculty associate Linda Lim is the voice of authority on Lee Kuan Yew's legacy in Singapore as well as his impact on the rest of the world
March 2015
LRCCS MA students Ryan Etzcorn, Neal McKenna, and Andrea Valedon write about their first time at AAS
PRI's The World profiles doctoral student Joseph Ho's work on Missionaries in China
Alumnus Damien Ma (LRCCS MA '06) goes on NPR to discuss corruption crackdown and other pressing issues for the Chinese government
Alumnus David Shambaugh (PhD '88, political science) pens a controversial essay on "The Coming Chinese Crackup"
Faculty Associate Wang Zheng comments on the recent detention of Chinese feminist activists
February 2015
Professor of Law and LRCCS faculty associate Nico Howson discusses the dispute between Chinese government and Alibaba over fake goods
January 2015
LRCCS director Mary Gallagher talks to Reuters about the influential Chinese labor lawyer Duan Yi
November 2014
A panel discussion on Hong Kong protests was held last week; recap and full video are now available
Faculty associate Nico Howson analyzes the term "Rule of Law" in Chinese judicial reform
LRCCS director Mary Gallagher examines an increase in labor strikes in China
LRCCS, Michigan Law School, and Chinese University of Hong Kong jointly organize upcoming conference entitled "Public and Private Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Law - China and the World"
Faculty associate Linda Lim addresses misgivings about Chinese government's fight against corruption
Kenneth Lieberthal provides insights into press conferences jointly held by American and Chinese presidents
LRCCS director Mary Gallagher examines the feasibility of efforts to meet US-China climate change goals
University funds joint social science projects with Fudan University (China)
Alumnus and sinologist David Moser revisits the issue of why Chinese is so difficult to learn in light of Mark Zuckerberg's very public attempt to speak it
Faculty associate Donald Lopez edits the Buddhism section in Norton's latest, much-debated world religion anthology
Faculty associate Silvia Lindtner examines the role of Chinese manufacturers in hardware innovation
Following the recent Communist Party Plenum, which focused on rule of law, faculty associate Nicholas Howson discusses challenges of Chinese legal reform
October 2014
LRCCS faculty associate Xiaobing Tang discusses contemporary Chinese holidays
LRCCS is awarded competitive federal funding!
Michigan/LRCCS faculty discuss Hong Kong (updated)
September 2014
Mary Gallagher quoted in New Republic: What Hong Kong's Protests Mean for Mainland China
June 2014
LRCCS's Mary Gallagher Appears on NPR's Marketplace
May 2014
LRCCS renaming getting press attention in China
Center for Chinese Studies renamed to honor donor Rogel, scholar Lieberthal
March 2014
Landmark Buddhist dictionary will be donated to Michigan’s high schools, community colleges and public libraries
May 2013
Announcing the Albert Feuerwerker Memorial Fund
March 2013
CCS Mourns the Passing of Rhoads Murphey
Socialist Culture in China Reconsidered—Fall 2013
Building State Capacity in China and Beyond - Fall 2014
Participants: Conference on Building State Capacity in China and Beyond
Program: Conference on Building State Capacity in China and Beyond
Feminist Sinologies—Fall 2012
New Directions in Manchu Studies | Spring 2016
Manchu Studies Participants
Manchu Studies Program
Industrial Upgrading and Economic Growth in China | Fall 2016
Program: Industrial Upgrading and Economic Growth in China
Industrial Upgrading and Economic Growth in China | Participants
Dancing East Asia: Conference and Exhibition
Dancing East Asia | Speaker Biographies
Dancing East Asia | Abstracts
Dancing East Asia | Schedule
China Between Worlds
China Between Worlds | Speakers
China Between Worlds | Program
Africa-China Conference 2017: Infrastructure, Resource Extraction, and Environmental Sustainability
Program | Africa-China Conference 2017
Art, History, and Sinology: An International Conference in Honor of Martin J. Powers
Art, History, and Sinology | Speakers
Art, History, and Sinology | Program
Understanding Media: New Perspectives on Ming–Qing Literature
Schedule: Understanding Media: New Perspectives on Ming–Qing Literature
Environments and Adaptation in Ancient China: Recent Advances and Global Context | February 8-9, 2019
Conference Schedule | Environments and Adaptation in Ancient China: Recent Advances and Global Context | February 8-9, 2019
Chinese Contemporary Art: Curation, Collection, and Connection
Panels and Roundtable Schedule | Chinese Contemporary Art: Curation, Collection, and Connection
US-China Environment and Sustainability Forum at the University of Michigan | October 1-2, 2019
Global Chinese Food | December 6, 2019
Videos of Past Events
Audio Archive
2009-10 LRCCS Event Videos
2010-11 LRCCS Event Videos
2011-12 LRCCS Event Videos
2012-13 LRCCS Event Videos
2013-14 LRCCS Event Videos
2014-15 LRCCS Event Videos
2015-16 LRCCS Event Videos
2016-17 LRCCS Event Videos
2017-18 LRCCS Event Videos
2018-19 LRCCS Event Videos
2019-20 LRCCS Event Videos
2020-21 LRCCS Event Videos
2021-2022 LRCCS Event Videos
2022-2023 LRCCS Event Videos
Deep Dive into Digital and Data Methods for Chinese Studies
Deep Dive Winter 2019
Deep Dive Fall 2019
Deep Dive Winter 2020--February 20-21
2023-2024 LRCCS Event Videos
LRCCS Photo Contest
LRCCS Photo 2009
LRCCS Photo 2010
LRCCS Photo 2011
LRCCS Photo 2012-13
2014 Photo Competition | BOLD
2007 Photo Competition | China: Traditions New and Old
2006 Photo Competition | China: A Time of Change
2012-13 Photo Competition | The Zodiac Dragon
2011 Photo Competition | Networking: From the Natural to the Virtual
2010 Photo Competition
2009 Photo Competition
2017 Photo Competition | PULSE
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Yi-tsi Mei Feuerwerker
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