- Fair Labor Association Fellowship
- Ian Fishback Human Rights Fellowship
- International Human Rights Fellowship
- Korea-Michigan Human Rights Research Fellowship
- Robert J. Donia Graduate Student Fellowship
- Social Change Initiative Fellowship
- Student-Initiated Summer Internship Fellowship
- Syria Justice and Accountability Centre Fellowship
- Fellowship for Research to Advance Global Health & Human Rights
- Raoul Wallenberg Human Rights Practitioner Fellowship
2023 DHRC/PICS/Perseus Strategies International Human Rights Fellowship
Awarded to LSA undergraduate students to intern with Perseus Strategies, LLC in Washington, D.C., and its managing director, the renowned international human rights lawyer, Jared Genser (U-M Law '01).
Thea Kendall-Green (she/her)
AB International Studies, AB Linguistics, Minor in Computer Science ‘24
Thea Kendall-Green is a rising senior from just outside of Boston, MA majoring in International Studies and Linguistics, with a minor in Computer Science. Within International Studies, she specializes in International Security, Norms, and Cooperation in the Middle East and North Africa, and she hopes to use her degree to promote peace, justice, and conflict resolution at home and abroad. After graduation, she hopes to attend law school to further her career in the field of international human rights. Outside of school, Thea is president of the Delta Gamma Phi pre-law sorority, a member of Secretariat for Model UN at the University of Michigan, a research assistant with the WordLab linguistics lab, and a member of the Michigan Refugee Assistance Program and Sigma Iota Rho International Studies Honor Society. Thea is thrilled to be working with Perseus Strategies this summer, and is beyond thankful to the DHRC and PICS department for enabling this opportunity.
2023 DHRC/PICS/Perseus Strategies International Human Rights Fellowship
Awarded to LSA undergraduate students to intern with Perseus Strategies, LLC in Washington, D.C., and its managing director, the renowned international human rights lawyer, Jared Genser (U-M Law '01).
Emily Sedewitz (she/her)
AB International Studies, AB Program in the Environment, AB History ‘24
Emily Sedewitz a rising senior from Novi, Michigan studying International Studies on the International Security, Norms, and Cooperation track along with majors in the Program in the Environment and History. She has a particular interest in international human rights, law, and diplomacy. During her time at the University of Michigan, she has been involved with the Michigan Foreign Policy Council, the Center for Arctic Policy Studies at the University of Alaska as an Arctic Fellow, and is currently studying abroad in Madrid, Spain working towards Spanish fluency and towards building a strong background in international policy and an understanding of the structure and function of foreign governments. She has been grateful to gain experience interning with Environmental Law & Sustainability Clinic at Michigan Law underneath Professor Oday Salim, and is looking forward to applying to law school this upcoming Fall. She is thrilled to be gaining experience from the experts at Perseus Strategies this summer and working towards a career of helping others.