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Thai Studies Competition for Faculty

This funding is made possible with proceeds from the Amnuay-Samonsri Viravan Endowment for Thai Studies. 

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies offers modest funding opportunities to faculty who work on Thailand. Faculty funding programs include research grants, course development grants, conference travel grants, and research collaboration grants. 

Faculty who are received an award the previous year are not eligible to apply.

All awards must be fully spent by April of the year following the award payment.

Award recipients are required to submit a brief narrative written report of the project and outcomes for inclusion in the CSEAS newsletter.  Reports are due to CSEAS ( one month after funds are spent. In addition, all recipients are expected to participate in a Thai Studies Endowment symposium, usually held in the Fall following the award. Please also inform us of any publications or presentations that come from supported research. 

Faculty Research Grant 

Program Summary: CSEAS is willing to support faculty research on Thailand and Thai-related issues. Proposals are judged on the following criteria:

  • Scholarly merit and potential impact, both to your discipline AND to the understanding of Thailand.
  • Contribution of the project to the distinction, visibility, and teaching of Thai Studies at the University of Michigan.
  • Value of the project to advancing the applicant’s research agenda and career. Junior rank will be given preference over senior rank.  
  • Record of previous CSEAS support, if any.
  • Feasibility of the project and appropriateness of the research plan and budget. This should include a discussion of how Covid-19 might affect research plans.

Eligibility: Full-time University of Michigan faculty, librarians, and curators who will be teaching courses in the future.

Amount: Typical awards are between $4,000-8,000.

Deadline: March 1

Application Procedures

  • Application form
  • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Please attach a statement of no more than 1000 words. The statement should explicitly describe the following:
    • Goals of your research. What will be learned as a result of the proposed project? 
    • Questions you seek to address, their importance to your discipline AND to the study of Thailand, and their connection to new lines of inquiry.
    • Research plan outlining your methodology and showing the specific work to be undertaken during the grant period.
    • If this proposal is part of an ongoing project, please specify the stage that it represents.
    • Eventual dissemination or publication plans.  How will you share the results of your research? If the project will lead to a book or an article, where do you plan to submit your manuscript?
  • BUDGET: 
    • Please see a sample on the last page of this document.
    • No summer salary can be funded.
    • A travel per diem in Thailand (includes lodging, meals and transportation) should be used. Per diem rates are available here.
    • Computers and other permanent equipment cannot be funded.
  • CURRICULUM VITAE: Please attach an up-to-date C.V. It should include publications, statement of Thailand-related experience.






Research Assistant [Name] salary


Translator ($15 x 50 hours)



Airfare (Detroit-BKK)


Per diem in Thailand ($70 x 15 days)



Books and journals





Total requested


Research Collaboration Grants

Program Summary: CSEAS is willing to support collaborative research projects involving faculty from the University of Michigan and individuals from reputable Thai institutions. Funds may be used for the following purposes: 

  • travel by scholars between Thailand and the U.S.
  • partial support for conferences/workshops between UM faculty and Thai colleagues
  • support for collaborative research projects

The most competitive projects will focus on research programs and projects in Thailand and will help build institutional linkages in support of long-term research collaboration.


Full-time University of Michigan faculty, librarians, and curators.


Typical awards will range from $5,000-10,000. 

Deadline: March 1

Application Procedures

Application form


Please attach a statement of 1000 words or less. Longer statements will not be read. The statement should explicitly describe the following:

· Goals of the collaborative research. What will be learned as a result of the proposed project?

· Questions you seek to address, their importance to your discipline AND to the study of Thailand, and their connection to new lines of inquiry.

· Project plan outlining the specific work to be undertaken during the grant period.  

·  If this proposal is part of an ongoing project, please specify the stage that it represents.

· Products expected from the collaboration. If the project will lead to a book or an article, where do you plan to submit your manuscript?


· No summer salary can be funded.

· A travel per diem in Thailand (includes lodging, meals and transportation) should be used. Per diem rates are available here.

· Computers and other permanent equipment cannot be funded.


Please attach an up-to-date C.V. for both the U-M and Thai collaborators. 

CSEAS Faculty Instructional/Course Development Seed Grants

Program Summary

These grants are awarded on a competitive basis to support development of courses that have significant Thailand-related content OR are designed to integrate Thailand-related material as an analytical focus, in a comparative framework or as a case study. Preference will be given to proposals for courses with entirely new or significantly innovative content or method. Interdisciplinary and team-taught courses are encouraged. The items that would be appropriate for Center funding include, but are not limited to:

·        assistance for translation of articles from Thai for inclusion in a course

·        assistance for compiling a bibliography

·        development of a slide-collection, digital and audio-visual resources, Canvas sites, etc.


Full-time University of Michigan faculty, librarians, and curators who will be teaching courses in the future.


From $250 to $1,500 per course. (These funds will not cover faculty salary.)

Deadline:  March 1

Application Procedures

Application form

Statement that includes 

·        Course information: the title of the course, the term it will be offered, projected enrollment, and the proportion of the course that will be devoted to Thai or SEA studies. 

·        The funding rationale

·        An itemized budget

Faculty Conference Travel Support

Program Summary

 CSEAS provides travel support to UM faculty working on Thailand to attend academic meetings/conferences.

This funding program will provide support for transportation, lodging and meal expenses. The funds will be paid as reimbursements of expenses in compliance with the University and International Institute's travel guidelines. Candidates must secure approval prior to travel.


UM faculty working on Thailand and attending academic meetings, conferences or workshops to present papers, participate in a poster session, chair panels, act as discussants, or serve in an executive capacity (e.g., to attend a business meeting as an officer).

Deadline: Rolling

Application Procedures

1. Application form

2. A statement of about 500 words describing the nature of your participation at the conference and how it contributes to your professional development.

3. Budget statement outlining expenses for airfare, ground transportation, lodging, and conference registration fee.

Sample Budget

Airfare: RT from Detroit to New York


Lodging (3 nights)


Ground transportation




