The following list includes current courses in and related to Armenian studies. Please see our course archive for lists from previous years.
Independent studies and directed reading courses may also be used when appropriate. Please consult the LSA Course Guide and relevant department for details.
For more information about the Major and Minor in Armenian Studies, please contact the Department of Middle East Studies.
Winter 2025 Courses by CAS Faculty
ANTHRCUL 430 / HISTORY 430 / MIDEAST 480 - History, Memory, and Silence in the Middle East; HISTORY 594 - Topics in History
Instructor: Hakem Al-Rustom
ARMENIAN 102 - Western Armenian II - Introduction to the Western Armenian Language
Instructor: Sosy Mishoyan
ARMENIAN 202 - Intermediate Western Armenian II
Instructor: Sosy Mishoyan
ARMENIAN 400 /GREEKMOD 350 / HEBREW 400 / PERSIAN 400 / TURKISH 400 - Seeds of Peace: Cross-Cultural Talk in the Middle East
Instructor: Adi Raz, Despina Margomenou, Sosy Mishoyan, Behrad Aghaei, Nilay Sevinc
COMPLIT 122 - Writing World Literatures: Writing and Reading Exile
Instructor: Arakel Minassian
HISTORY 209 / INTLSTD 209 / RELIGION 209 - Death, Immortality, and Afterlife
Instructor: Hakem Al-Rustom
HISTORY 328 - Humanities Topics in History - The Prophet Muhammad; MIDEAST 323 / ISLAM 323 / - The Prophet Muhammad in Islam
Instructor: Gottfried Hagen
MIDEAST 295 - First Year Seminar in Middle East Studies: The Life of Objects
Instructor: Gottfried Hagen