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What does PCAS offer?

Learning to use powerful computing, including programming, has significant economic benefit for LSA graduates. Most professionals in the world today will use computing, including programming. Professionals who know and use programming in their careers tend to have higher salaries than professionals in the same jobs who do not use programming.

PCAS courses support LSA graduates becoming conversational programmers. Conversational programmers understand the task of software development, know the language and specialty terms of programmers, and can facilitate communication between software developers and other parts of an organization. PCAS graduates will know how to analyze, critique, design, and invent with technology. They will be well-prepared to be technical managers, entrepreneurs, and designers, or to work between design and development groups within an organization.

PCAS Student Project Showcase

Students in our introductory courses (COMPFOR 111, 121, and 221) produce some creative and interactive projects. From LSA majors in the social sciences and humanities adding computation to their academic and career journeys to experienced coders looking to explore their own artistry, COMPFOR courses cultivate a non-competitive environment in which all students have something to offer.