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RC Community Members In Memoriam

Below is a list of RC alumni, faculty and staff who have passed away. If known, we include the years of their life, additional degrees and institutions from which they earned them. We recognize that this is not an exhaustive list. If you see an error or omission, or have an obituary for someone you know in the RC community who has died, please send it to Thanks to alumnus Dan Madaj, RC 1982 Creative Writing and Literature, for helping to edit this list. 

The date listed after each alumnus or alumna's name is the year of their graduation from LSA and the RC. We were unable to locate obituaries for each person. The links we provide below will direct you to external websites for more information. 


Matthew D. Adler (RC 1992 Political Science, 1978 JD Cornell), 1970-2011, obit
Brian Allen (RC 1984 History), 1953-2002
Paula J. Ambill-Bajer (RC 1978 Individualized Concentration), 1956-2001, obit
Erik A. Anderberg (RC 1974 American Culture; 1978 JD Northeastern), 1952-2008, obit
Susan J. Atkinson (RC 1971 Economics; 1974 JD U-M Law School), 1952-2008


Lisel A. Banker (RC 1988 Anthropology), 1964-2003, obit
Brian A. Bard (RC 1989 Philosophy), 1967-2017, obit
Karen A. Barris-Bragman (RC 1975 Political Science, 1979 J.D. Wayne State), 1955-2019, obit
Debra E. Bernhardt (RC 1975 Creative Writing, American History and Archival Preservation Wayne State, 1988 PhD Public History New York U), 1953-2017, articleobitobit
Amy L. Bingaman (RC 1992 English; MA Art History U of Chicago; 2005 PhD Art History U of Chicago), 1970-2017 obit
Susan L. Bishop (RC 1983 Arts and Ideas), 1961-2006
William S. Blackford (RC 1974 Political Science; MBA, New York University), 1953-2014, obit
Mitchell E. Booth (RC 1971, BFA), June 1949–September 2022, obit
Sara E. Booth (RC 2001 Social Science. MA 2004 Fine Arts City U of New York),1979-2017, obit
Jane C. Borgerhoff (RC 1972 History, 1978 AM), 1959-2015, obit
Razelle Brooks (RC administration staff), 1919-2005, obitdedication by RC community
Donald R. Brown (co-founder of the RC), 1925-2019, dedication by RC communityarticle about his service in WWII 
Robert B. Brown (RC 1981 Drama), 1954-2009


Andrew Carrigan (RC instructor), 1935-2013, obit
Keith W. Clark (RC 1975 Individualized Concentration), 1951-1976
Isabel A. Cole (RC 2000 Classical Language and Literature; 2004 MSI U-M School of Information), 1979-2014
Julian Conway (RC 1972), 1950-2018
Cynthia C. Cook (RC 1983 Social Science, 1984 MSW U-M School of Social Work Community Organization), 1950-2015, obit
Kevin D. Cooper (RC 1974), 1951-2013, obit


Kavita S. Datla (RC 1997 History), 1975-2017
Laura P. Deneau (LSA 2003 English), 1981-2009, obit
Lisa Dershin (RC 1982 Social Science), 1960-1988, article, articlefund
Elizabeth Douvan (RC director 1985-88), 1926-2002, memoirprofileobit


Susan Ei (RC 1974 History of Art), 1952-2017, obit
Mark J. Eisen (RC 1975 Pre-Medical; 1980 MD U-M Medical School Medicine), 1953-2016, obit
Edwin J. Erwin (RC 2016 Social Theory and Practice), 1989-2018, obit


Kelly A. Feeney (RC 1998 Social Science), 1975-2012, obit
Judith A. Fell (RC 1974 Economics), 1952-2005
Yi-tsi Feuerwerker (RC instructor), 1928-2018, Dedication
Marcia E. Fishman (RC 1975 History of Ideas, 1979 JD Wayne State), 1954-2009, obit
Richard Fogel (RC 1980 Social Science), 1954-2002
Bruce W. Freyburger (RC 1976 Anthropology), 1952-2011
Martin R. Friedmann (RC 1988 Computer Science, MA MIT), 1965-1995, articlewebpagememorial


Peggy L. Girshman (RC 1975 Individualized Concentration), 1954-2016, obit
Valorie G. Gifford (RC 1973 Literature), 1950-2014
Thomas Gomez (RC Drama lecturer, 2021), 1965-2021, obitarticle
Cynthia D. Grant (RC 1972 Psychology), 1950-2003, obit
Mary E. Gregg (RC 1976 Psychology, 1983 MSW U-M School of Social Work Interpersonal Practice), 1954-1999
Amy Grossman (deceased before graduating), -1971, article
Emily A. Gruber (RC 2001 Chinese, RC 2001 Social Science), 1978-2002, article


Amelia B. Habicht (RC 1989), 1966-2024, obit
Robynne L. Harrington (RC 1972), 1950-1987
Max Heirich (RC instructor), 1931-2017, obit
Claire E. Holmes (RC 1975, Psychology), 1954-2015, obit
Stephen L. Huhn (RC 1974 Zoology, 1995 MBA U-M Flint School of Management Business Administration), 1950-2004, obit


Michael S. Kelly (RC 1990 Social Science, MSW UI Chicago, PhD Social Work UI Chicago 2006), 1968-2021, obit
Stevie R. Kemperman (RC 1981 Social Science, 1985 AM U-M Economics), 1955-2000
Lisa J. Kerr (RC 1973 Sociology), 1951-2014, obit
Keith M. Kerwin (RC 1978), 1956-2024), obit
Ingrid L. Kock (RC 1987 English), 1965-2018, obit
Ellen R. Kolasky (RC 2005 Environment, RC 2005 Music), 1981-2006, obit
Rochelle Kostant (RC 1976 Social Science, MSW U-M School of Social Work Interpersonal Practice), 1955-2008, obit
Linda H. Kozlowski (RC 1975 Psychology, 1979 AM U of Chicago), 1953-1996
Ian W.H. Krieg (RC 2006, Computer Science), 1983-2010, obit
Michael M. Krysiak (RC 1995 Political Science), 1973-2005


Meg I. Langfur (RC 1983 Social Science, MS U of Colorado - Denver General Science), 1962-2009, articleforensics talk
David H. Lapeza (RC 1972, 1974 AM U-M Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1986 JD U-M Law School, 1986 PhD U-M Slavic Languages and Literatures), 1950-1994
Susan D. Lessenco (RC 1977 Anthropology), 1954-1981, article
Scott D. Lew (RC 1990, Creative Writing), 1968-2017, obit
Sarah I. Lewis (RC 2002 Spanish and Latin American and Caribbean Studies), 1980-2020, obit
Mark A. Liebeskind (RC 1986 Arts and Ideas), 1964-1987
Sara A. Lowther (RC 1996 Biology), 1974-2020, obit


John H. Mersereau, Jr. (RC director 1977-85), 1925-2009, obitdedication by Cindy Sowers
Louis Miller (RC 1974 Individualized Concentration, 1978 D.O. Michigan State University), 1950-2020, obit
Juliet A. Minard (RC 1975 Individualized Concentration), 1952-2013, obit
Alita Mitchell (RC Admissions Counselor), 1930 - 1996, dedication by Cindy Sowers
Erica L. Mitchell (RC 2003 English), 1980-2009, obit
Mark Mitshkun (RC 1971), 1949-2020, obit
Thomas R. Morgan (RC 1987), 1962-2005
Barbra Morris (RC faculty member), 1935-2007, obitdedication by Cindy Sowers
James M. Murphy (RC 1973 History), 1951-2012


Kenneth F. Naidorf (RC 1970, 1977 MD Columbia Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons), 1950-1981, notearticle
Leah B. Nico (Bragg) (RC 2000 Anthropology, Russian Language and Literature, Russian and East European Studies, 2005 JD Southwest Law School, Los Angeles), 1978-2015, articleobit
Vicki Norberg-Bohm (RC 1987 Social Science, MS/BS Mechanical Engineering, Washington U, 1996 PhD Public Policy, Harvard), 1955-2004, obitarticletribute
Karen E. (Morgan) Noteboom (RC 1993 Arts and Ideas), 1970-2017, obit


John R. O'Brien (RC 1976), 1954-2024, obit
Allan F. Omilian (RC Arts and Ideas), 1987-2010, dedication by Cindy Sowers
Louis Orlin (RC director 1973-74), 1925-2016, obitprabook
Lisa Maria Rodriguez Ortiz (Schwartz) (RC 1987 Psychology), 1966-2019, obit


Erica Paslick (RC instructor), 1929-2019, RC dedication
David Reid Peterson (RC 1971, U-M Law JD, 1975), 1949-2021, obit
Jacquelyn Pilliciotti (RC 1976 Psychology), 1954-2007, obit
Amy E. Polk (RC 1989 Computer and Community Science; 1992 MS U-M Computer Science and Engineering, MUP U-M Urban Planning), 1968-2010, obit
Christopher P. Pride (RC 1997 Biology), 1975-2003


Richard W. Redick (RC 1971 Mathematics, 1973 MAT Duke), 1949-2002
Scott H. Reed (RC 1986 Philosophy), 1955-2004
ElizaBeth M. Reifman (RC 1975 Drama), 1953-2008, obit
John Revitte (RC 1972), October 1950-April 2022), obit
Douglas K. Richardson (RC 1973 History), 1951-2002
Jeffrey W. Ritter (RC 1975 Sociology, 1977 MPH U-M Public Policy), 1953-2014
Laura M. Rivkin (RC 1973 Spanish), 1951-2001, obit
Linda J. Roberts (RC 1971 Sociology, MPH U-M School of Public Health Medical Care Administration), 1949-1990
James H. Robertson (RC director 1967-73), 1915-2010, obitfaculty memoirstory
Joanne R. Robinson (RC 1981 History), 1953-2018
Ruth C. Rosenblum (RC 1985 Psychology), 1962-1986
Marc Ross (RC director 1974-77), 1928-2017, obitinterview
Katherine M. Rowenchuk (RC 1978 Linguistics, 1992 PhD U-M Slavic Languages and Literatures), 1958-2013
Christine E. Rozsenich (RC 1978 Psychology, Masters John Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health), 1956-1992, obit


Diane D. Sadovnikov (RC 1980 Theater and Drama), 1958-2009, obit
Naomi R. Saferstein (RC 1988 Arts and Ideas, 1989 AM U-M School of Music, Theatre and Dance Theatre), 1965-1994, obitSaferstein Award
Richard B. Sale (RC 1973 Creative Writing), 1951-1985
Thomas P. Savage (RC 1981 Individualized Concentration), 1959-2001
Joyce P. Schon (RC 1975 Individualized Concentration), 1952-2016, obit
Fred R. Secrest (RC 1981 History), 1958-2017, obit
Wendy Shifrin (RC 1972), 1951-2016
Stephanie J. Silverman (RC 1995 Biology), 1973-1996
Alan M. Smith (RC 1974 Literature), 1952-2000
Jo Ann B. Spencer (née Barrell) (RC 1971, Literature), 1949-2020, obit
Ivy L. Steinmetz (RC 1982 Individualized Concentration, 1986 MSW Yeshiva U), 1959-2009, obit
Nancy Storey (RC 1971). 1949-2015, obit
James L. Strichartz (RC 1973 Urban Studies, 1977 JD U-M Law School), 1951-2018


Danielle Taylor (RC 1997 Communication), 1971-2015
Gordon R. Taylor (RC 1987), 1959-2024
Selena Kim Thai (RC student 2020-2021), 2002-2021, obit
Christina M. Tristalis (RC 1972), -2012


David W. Vinter (RC 1977 Zoology; 1978 MS U-M Medical School Anatomy and Cell Biology; 1983 PhD U-M Medical School Anatomy and Cell Biology), 1951-2008
Justin Vitiello (RC instructor), 1941-2013, obit, tribute 


Ellen E. Willson (RC 1976 Botany), 1953-2019, obit
Joel H. Winston (RC 1975 Near Eastern Studies in Language and Literature, JD U of Pennsylvania School of Law), 1954-2006, obit
Jennifer S. Wylie (Ouillaf) (RC 1991 Anthropology), 1969-2017, obit


Bernard Yenelouis (Attended RC 1977-1980), 1959 - 2020, obit
Marilyn Young (RC instructor), 1938-2017, article
Robert B. Young (RC 2002 Arts and Ideas), 1958-2008


Andrew M. Zerman (RC 1977 Drama), 1956-2019, article