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The Activists: war, Peace and Politics in the Streets

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
4:00 AM
Space 2435 North Quad

What does it mean to stand up for what one believes in?

Professor Michael Heaney Presents

The Activists: War, Peace, and Politics in the Streets

This documentary film examines activism in the anti-war movement in the United States after 9/11. Through the lens of several well-known activists and dynamic organizations, it investigates varieties of activism, as well as the personal experiences that bring people together to create a movement. It paints a complex and intimate portrait of the world of activism. The film was shot between June, 2008 and March, 2010 in New York, Denver, Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Tempe, AZ, Elgin, IL, and Washington, DC. It was created by Melody Weinstein, Michael T. Heaney, and Marco Rolda n. 

What does it mean to stand up for what one believes in? 

Making one’s self heard in today’s ideologically-charged world is a courageous act. Those who express their opinions on controversial issues – especially when they do so defiantly, outwardly, and publicly – put their lives as they know them at risk. These individuals continually renew the essence of free speech by setting aside social acceptance and, at times, personal safety, to speak truth to power. 

These people are known as activists. This film is a story of their lives.

