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Welcome Back BBQ

Friday, September 7, 2012
4:00 AM
Ingalls Mall (between MLB and League)

Help PitE celebrate its 10 year anniversary by joining us for a BBQ. Free food, entertainment, activities, and prizes!

PitE kicked off its 10-year anniversary with the program’s first ever Welcome Back BBQ. The festivities brought in over 120 students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

The BBQ was held on Ingalls Mall (across the street from Rackham Auditorium) on the first Friday of the semester. The event was complete with a catered menu of potato salad, veggie burgers, fruit salad, and cookies.

Local singer/songwriter Joe Reilly performed during the BBQ. Director Paul Webb shared his opening remarks, reflecting fondly on the program’s first decade and looking appreciably to the next 10 years.  Paul also displayed his many talents by playing Joe’s backup on guitar!

Prizes and gift cards from local restaurants were raffled off to students. Students reminisced about their time at Camp Davis and the Biostation, which was home for many students during the spring or summer terms. Seniors shared their mixed emotions about starting their final year at Michigan. 

And ladderball was enjoyed by all.