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Mónica Carvalho
Assistant Curator, Museum of Paleontology,
Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
3132 Biological Sciences Building 734-764-7543
Matt Friedman
Director and Curator, Museum of Paleontology
Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
3114 Biological Sciences Building 734.764.0490
Anshuman Swain
Assistant Curator, Museum of Paleontology; Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
3164 Biological Sciences Building 734-615-4917
Luke Weaver
Assistant Curator, Museum of Paleontology,
Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
3234 Biological Sciences Building 303-304-4388
Jeffrey Wilson Mantilla
Curator, Museum of Paleontology
Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences
3118 Biological Sciences Building 734.647.7461