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Past IPAMAA Graduates and Their Current Positions

Information concerning the whereabouts of our alumni is current to the best of our knowledge. Please send corrections or updates to

Adams, Jean Alison

M.A. (1982)

Allen, Marti L.

Director, Arkansas State University Museum
Dissertation (1985): “The Terracotta Figurines from Karanis: A Study of Technique, Style, and Chronology in Fayoumic Coroplastics”

Anderson, Björn
Associate Professor Professor of Art History, School of Art and Art History, University of Iowa
Dissertation (2005): "Constructing Nabataea: Identity, Ideology, and Connectivity"

Armantrout, George
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Portland State University
Dissertation (1990): “The Seven Against Thebes in Greek Art”

Bace, Edward

Dissertation (1983): “Cosa: Inscriptions on Stone and Brick-Stamps”

Baily, Ingrid

M.A. (1991)

Banducci, Laura
Associate Professor,  Greek and Roman Studies, Carleton University 
Dissertation (2013): “Foodways and Cultural Identity in Roman Republican Italy”

Bellah, Mary Suzanne

M.A. (1979)

Berlin, Andrea
James R. Wiseman Chair of Classical Archaeology, Archaeology Department, Boston University
Dissertation (1988): “The Hellenistic and Early Roman Common-Ware Pottery from Tel Anafa”

Bernardo-Ciddio, Leah
Transfer and Student Services Manager, Ontario Council for Articulation and Transfer
Dissertation (2024): "Ceramics, Craft Communities, and Cultural Interactions in the First Millennium: Production and Trade of Apulian Matt-Painted Pottery"

Bomgardner, David L.

Visiting Research Fellow, University of Winchester, Hampshire, England
Dissertation (1985): “An Analytical Study of North African Amphitheaters”

Brock, Andrea
Lecturer, School of Classics, University of St. Andrews
Dissertation (2017): "Rome at Its Core: Reconstructing the Environment and Topography of the Forum Boarium"

Burns, Bryan
Professor, Department of Classical Studies, Wellesley College
Dissertation (1999): “Import Consumption in the Bronze Age Argolid (Greece): Effects of Mediterranean Trade on Mycenaean Society”

Button, Seth
Project Manager/Archaeologist, Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program, Utah Department of Natural Resources
Dissertation (2010): “Resource Stress and Subsistence Practice in Early Prehistoric Cyprus”

Cabaniss, Andrew

M.A. (2022)

Cakmak, Lisa

Chair and Curator, Arts of the Ancient Mediterranean
Art Institute of Chicago
Dissertation (2009): "Androgyny, Identity, and Iconography on the Graeco-Phoenician Sealings from Tel Kedesh, Israel"

Canavan, Erica

M.A. (2018)

Cangemi, Ivan
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
Dissertation (2016): “A Scale-Free, Relational Approach to Social Development in Late-Prehistoric Tyrrhenian Central Italy”

Carr, Karen Lichtenbaum
Publisher and CEO, Quatrus Study Guides
Associate Professor Emerita, History Department, Portland State University
Dissertation (1992): “Did Roman Government Matter? The Standard of Living in the Guadalquivir Valley A.D. 300-700”

Caulfield, Tracy

M.A. (1984)
Deceased, 1986

Clerkin, Caitlin
Frederick Randolph Grace Assistant Research Curator in Ancient Art, Harvard Art Museum
Dissertation (2021): "Seleucia-on-the-Tigris, Revisited"

Cohen, Sheira
Assistant Professor, Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome (ICCS)
Dissertation (2023): "Beyond Ethnicity: Connectivity and Community Formation in Western Central Italy 800-350 BCE"

Colantoni, Elizabeth
Associate Professor, Dept of Religion and Classics, University of Rochester
Dissertation (2005): "Sacred Sites and Religion in Early Rome, Eight to Sixth Centuries BC"

Colburn, Henry
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Dissertation (2014): "The Archaeology of Achaemenid Rule in Egypt"

Commito, Angela
Senior Lecturer, Department of Classics, Union College
Dissertation (2014): "Asia Minor at the End of Antiquity: A View from the Countryside"

Compton, Geoffrey

Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Geology, Bryn Mawr College
Active in IPAMAA
M.A. (1997)

Conlin, Diane Atnally
Associate Professor, Department of Classics and Fine Arts, University of Colorado, Boulder
Dissertation (1993): “The Large Processional Friezes on the Ara Pacis Augustae: Early Augustan Sculptural Styles and Workshop Traditions”

Cook, R. James

Assistant Professor, Department of Ancient History and Classics, Trent University
Dissertation (2011): “Landscapes of Irrigation in the Ptolemaic and Roman Fayum: Interdisciplinary Archaeological Survey and Excavation Near Kom Aushim (Ancient Karanis), Egypt”

Creola, Alexandra
Assistant Professor, Department of Art History, Mt. San Antonio College
Dissertation (2023): "Roman Nymphs and the Underworld: Place, Landscape, and Religion in Roman Italy"

Cunningham, Gail

M.A. (1995)

Devlin, Felicity

Scealta Shamhne, Ireland
M.A. (1990)

Dey, Hendrik
Associate Professor, Department of Classics, Hunter College
Dissertation (2006): “The Aurelian Wall and the Refashioning of Imperial Rome, A.D. 271-855”

Dicus, Kevin
Associate Professor, Department of Classics, University of Oregon
Dissertation (2012): “Actors and Agents in Republican Religion in Italy.  A View from the Sanctuary at Grasceta dei Cavallari”

DiFabio, Christina
Lecturer in Ancient History, Department of Classics, University of Kansas
Dissertation (2022): "Synoikism, Sympolity, and Urbanization: A Regional Approach in Hellenistic Anatolia"

Diffendale, Dan

Postdoctoral Fellow, Scuola Superiore Meridionale di Napoli 
Dissertation (2017): "The Roman Middle Republic at Sant'Omobono"

Dix, Thomas Keith
Associate Professor, Department of Classics, University of Georgia, M.A. (1978)

Dobbins, John
Professor, Art Department, University of Virginia
Dissertation (1977): “Terracotta Lamps of the Roman Province of Syria”

Dusinberre, Elspeth
Professor in Classics, University of Colorado, Boulder
Dissertation (1997): “Satrapal Sardis: Aspects of Empire in an Achaemenid Capital”

Eaverly, Mary Ann
Associate Professor, Department of Classics, University of Florida, Gainesville
Dissertation (1986): “The Equestrian Statue in Archaic Greek Sculpture”

Edwards, Nancy

M.A. (1977)

Faro, Elissa
Assistant Professor, Albert Eistein College of Medicine
Dissertation (2007): “Ritual Activity and Regional Dynamics: Towards a Reinterpretation of Minoan Extra-Urban Ritual Space”

Farr, Jason
Visiting Assistant Professor, St. Mary's University
Dissertation (2014): "The Lapis Gabinus Quarries and the Roman Economy of Urban Construction"

Foss, Pedar
Professor, Classical Studies, Department, Depauw University
Dissertation (1994): “Kitchens and Dining Rooms at Pompeii: The Spatial and Social Relationship of Cooking to Eating in the Roman Household”

Friedland, Elise
Associate Professor of Classics and Art History, Department of Classical and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, George Washington University
Dissertation (1997): “Roman Marble Sculpture from the Levant: The Group from the Sanctuary of Pan at Caesarea Philippi (Banias)”

Fullerton, Monica Barran

M.A. (1979)

Gagliano, Lorraine Knop

M.A. (2013)

Garrison, Mark
Alice Pratt Brown Professor, Department of Art and Art History, Trinity University
Dissertation (1988): “Seal Workshops & Artists in Persepolis: A Study of Seal Impressions Preserving the Theme of Heroic Encounter on the Persepolis Fortification & Treasury Tablets”

Gates-Foster, Jennifer
Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Dissertation (2005): "Traveling the Desert Edge: The Ptolemaic Roadways and Regional Economy of Egypt's Eastern Desert in the Fourth through First Centuries BCE"

Gleason, Hima Mallampati

Adjunct Assistant Professor, New York University
Dissertation (2010): “Acquiring Antiquity: The Early History of Classical Collections at the University of Michigan and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston”

Goodnoh, Carla

Dartmouth College, Residential Life Department
M.A. (1992)

Griffith-Collins, Alison
Senior Lecturer, Classics Department, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Dissertation (1993): “The Archaeological Evidence for Mithraism in Imperial Rome”

Haeckl, Anne E.
Senior Instructor, Department of Classics, Kalamazoo College
M.A. (1977)

Hamann, Barbara

Head of Conservation, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh
M.A. (1985)

Harrison, Ann

Special Collections Cataloger, Getty Center
Dissertation (1992): “Early Black Figure Workshops of Athens and Corinth: A Study of Reciprocal Artistic Influences”

Hartnett, Jeremy
Associate Professor, Department of Classics, Wabash College
Dissertation (2003): “Streets, Street Architecture, and Social Presentation in Roman Italy”

Harvey, Craig
Postdoctoral Associate Fellow, Department of Classics, University of Western Ontario
Dissertation (2019): "Imperial Ideals and Provincial Realities: The Construction of Baths in the Roman East"

Harvey, Sarah Morgan
Professor, Department of Modern and Classical Language Studies, Kent State University
Dissertation (1999): “The Iron Age II Period in the Central Negev Highlands and Edom: A Comparison of Settlement Intensification and Land Exploitation”

Heath, Sebastian
Clinical Associate Professor of Computational Humanities and Roman Archaeology, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University
Dissertation (2004): "Imported Ceramics and the Rural Consumer in Late Roman Mediterranean Gaul"

Herring, Lydia
Electronic Resources and Metadata Librarian, Tisch Library, Tufts University
Dissertation (2011): “Strategies of Communication in the Shrines of Pompeii”

Heston, Holly
Instructional Designer, AORN
M.A. (1986)

Hiers, Margaret

Associate Veterinarian, Brookstone Animal Hospital
MA (2001)

Higginbotham, James
Associate Professor and Associate Curator, Department of Classics, Bowdoin College
Dissertation (1991): “Artificial Fishponds in Roman Italy during the Late Republic and Early Empire”

High-Steskal, Nicole
Research Associate, University for Continuing Education Krems
Dissertation (2015): “Domesticating Spectacle in the Roman Empire: Representations of Public Entertainment in Private Houses of the Roman Provinces”

Hill, Nadhira
Assistant Professor, Randolph Macon College
Dissertation (2023), "De-centering the Symposium: Characterizing Commensality in Late Classical Olynthos, Greece"

Hoffman, Gail
Adjunct Associate Professor, Departments of Fine Arts and Classical Studies, Boston College
Dissertation (1990): “Immigrants, Imports & Problems in the Study of Influence: Archaeological Evidence for Artistic Transmission from the Near East to Crete, ca. 1100-ca. 700 B.C.”

Holt, Emily
Executive Director, Center of Field Sciences
Dissertation (2013): "Economy and Environment in Complex Societies: A Case Study from
Bronze Age Sardinia"  

Horowitz, Naomi

Principal Architect, nlh architecture
M.A. (1994)
Ph.D. program in Architecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Hughes, Ryan
IT Contractor, Corning Museum of Glass
Dissertation (2015): "The Archaeology of a Colchian Landscape: Results of the Eastern Vani Survey"

Johnson, Karen
Adjunct Instructor; Language Arts, English, and Developmental Studies; North Central State College (Ohio)
Dissertation (2006): "Materializing Childhood: an Historical Archaeology of Children in Roman Egypt"

Johnson, Tyler
Dissertation (2023): "Beyond Abandonment: Residential Transformations in Rome and its Region from the Imperial Period to Late Antiquity"

Keesling, Catherine
Associate Professor, Department of Classics, Georgetown University
Dissertation (1995): “Monumental Private Votive Dedications on the Athenian Acropolis, ca. 600-400 B.C.”

Khatchadourian, Lori
Associate Professor, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Cornell University
Dissertation (2008): “Social Logics Under Empire: The Armenian 'Highland Strategy' and Achaemenid Rule, CA 600-300 BC ”

Koletsos, Michael
M.A. (2022)

Koloski-Ostrow, Ann O.
Professor, Department of Classical Studies, BrandeisUniversity
Dissertation (1986): “The Sarno Bath Complex: Architecture in Pompeii's Last Years”

Kontar, Diane Reiersgord Clark
Associate Professor, Department of Art History, University of Findlay
M.A. (1979)

Kosak, Andrew

Teacher, Brunswick Junior High School, ME
M.A. (1990)

Kreiger, Jenny
Shopify, Data Scientist
Dissertation (2017): "The Business of Commemoration: a Comparative Study of Italian Catacombs"

Landvatter, Thomas
Associate Professor, Department of Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Reed College
Dissertation (2013): "Identity, Burial Practice, and Social Change in Ptolemaic Egypt"

Larson, Katherine
Curator of Ancient Glass, Corning Museum of Glass
Dissertation (2015): "From Luxury Product to Mass Commodity: Glass Production and Consumption in the Hellenistic World"  

Lash, Samantha
Graduate Student, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University
M.A. (2013)

Laurence, Karen
Assistant Director of Faculty and Alumni Engagement, Siegal Lifelong Learning, Case Western Reserve University
Dissertation (2012): "Panhellenism in the Roman Empire: Infrastructural Changes to the Panhellenic Sanctuaries, Formations of New Identities"

Lawall, Mark
Associate Professor, Department of Classics, University of Manitoba
Dissertation (1995): “Transport Amphoras and Trademarks: Imports to Athens and Economic Diversity in the Fifth Century B.C.”

Legutko, Paul

Vice President of Analytics, Semphonic/Ernst & Young
Dissertation (2000): “Roman Imperial Ideology in the Mid-Third Century A.D.: Negotiation, Usurpation, and Crisis in the Imperial Center”

Lime, Emily

M.A. (2017)

Long, Leah
Instructor in Art History, Arkansas State University
Dissertation (2012): "Urbanism, Art and Economy: The Marble Quarrying Industries of Aphrodisias and Roman Asia Minor"

Longfellow, Brenda
Associate Professor, School of Art and Art History, University of Iowa
Dissertation (2005): "Imperial Patronage and Urban Display of Roman Monumental Fountains and Nymphaea"

MacKay, Camilla
Director of Library Research and Instructional Services and Scholarly Communications Librarian, Rhys Carpenter Library, Bryn Mawr College
Dissertation (1999): “Road Systems and Postal Service of the Eastern Roman and Byzantine Empires”

Mancuso, Marc

Radiologist, Charlotte Radiology, NC
M.A. (1991)

Maranzana, Paolo
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Boğaziçi University
Dissertation (2018): ""The Death of the City and the Creation of a New Social Order in Late Roman Central Anatolia"

Maxwell-Jones, Charlotte
Project Manager, Kabul Small Animal Rescue
Dissertation (2015): "A Typology and Chronology of Ceramics from Bactra, Afghanistan, 600 BCE-500 CE"

McAlpine, Lynley
Associate Curator of Provenance Research, San Antonio Museum of Art, San Antonio, TX
Dissertation (2014): "Marble, Memory, and Meaning in the Four Pompeian Styles of Archaeology" 

McCoy, Laurie

M.A. (1983) 
Deceased, 1998

McFerrin, Neville
Assistant Professor, Department of Art History, University of North Texas
Dissertation (2015): " The Art of Power: Ambiguity, Adornment, and the Performance of Social Position in the Pompeian House" 

McKeon, Carolyn Hessenbruch

Secretary, Damariscotta River Association, Maine
Dissertation (1983): “Iconology of the Gorgon Medusa in Roman Mosaic”

McNiven, Timothy
Associate Professor, Department of Art History, Ohio State University, Marion Campus
Dissertation (1982): “Gestures in Attic Vase Painting: Use and Meaning, 550-450 B.C.”

Menard, Theresa
Getty Center; Research Associate, UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology
Dissertation (1990): “The Archaic and Classical Pottery from the Sanctuary at Località Santa Venera in Paestum, Italy”

Miller Ammerman, Rebecca
Professor and Chair, Department of Classics, Colgate University
Dissertation (1983): “The Terracotta Votives from Medma: Cult and Coroplastic Craft in Magna Graecia”

Mogetta, Marcello
Associate Professor of Roman Art & Archaeology, Art History & Archaeology, University of Missouri
Dissertation (2013): “The Origins of Concrete in Rome and Pompeii”

Mokrisova, Jana
Research Associate, Classics Department, University of Cambridge
Dissertation (2017): "On the Move: Mobility in Southwest Anatolia and the Southeast Aegean during the Late Bronze to Early Iron Age Transition"

Monteiro, Lyra
Professor, History Department, Newark College of Arts and Sciences
IPAMAA M.A. (2006)
Brown University PhD (2012)

Morden, Margaret

Instructor, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies
M.A. (1984)

Nagel, Alexander
Assistant Professor of Ancient Mediterranean and Near East, Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY, Manhattan
Dissertation (2010): “Colors, Gilding and Painted Motifs in Persepolis: Approcahing the Polychromy of Achaemenid Persian Architectural Sculpture, c. 520-330 BCE”

Naglak, Matthew
Digital Scholarship Librarian, Boston College Libraries, Boston College
Dissertation (2020): "Activity and Rhythms in Roman Fora in the Republican and Early Imperial Periods"

Norman, Naomi
Associate Professor, Department of Classics, University of Georgia
Dissertation (1980): “The ‘Ionic’ Cella: A Preliminary Study of Fourth Century B.C. Temple Architecture”

Ng, Diana
Associate Professor, Department of Art History, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Dissertation (2007): “Manipulation of Memory: Public Buildings and Decorative Programs in Roman Cities of Asia Minor”

Ortiz, Zoe
Assistant Professor, University of North Texas
Dissertation (2023): "The Sculptures and Urban Landscape of Gabii: A City in Transition"

Ossi, Adrian
Senior Software Engineer, Bullhorn, Inc., Chicago, IL
Dissertation (2009): “The Roman Honorific Arches of Pisidian Antioch: Reconstruction and Contextualization”

Ostrow, Steven
Lecturer, Department of History, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dissertation (1977): “Problems in the Topography of Roman Puteoli”

Park, Helen

M.A. (1999)

Peña, John Theodore
Professor of Classics, University of California, Berkeley
Dissertation (1987): “Roman-Period Ceramic Productio in Etruria Tiberina: A Geographical and Compositional Study”

Pennanen-Hutchinson, Valerie
English & Professional Writing Program, Calumet College of St. Joseph
Dissertation (1983): “Bacchus in Roman Britain: Archaeological Evidence for His Cult?”

Perry, Ellen
Associate Professor, Department of Classics, College of the Holy Cross
Dissertation (1995): “Artistic Imitation and the Roman Patron, with a Study of Imitation in the Ideal Sculptures of Herodes Atticus”

Pollard, Nigel N.D.
Senior Lecturer in Roman History, Department of Classics & Ancient History, University of Wales,
Swansea, U.K.
Dissertation (1992): “Nota et Familiaria Castra: Soldier and Civilian in Roman Syria and Mesopotamia”

Powers, Jessica Davis
Gilbert M Denman, Jr., Curator of Art of the Ancient Mediterranean World, San Antonio Museum of Art
Dissertation (2006): "Patrons, Houses and Viewers in Pompeii: Reconsidering the House of the Gilded Cupids"

Rabinowitz, Adam
Associate Professor, University of Texas, Austin
Dissertation (2004): "Symposium, Community and Cultural Exchange in Archaic Sicily and South Italy"

Rempel, Jane
Lecturer in Classical Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield
Dissertation (2004): "Rural Settlement and Elite Representation: Social Change in the Bosporan Kingdom in the Fourth Century BC"

Reynolds, David
Director and CEO, Phaeton Group
Dissertation (1996): “Forma Urbis Romae: The Severan Marble Plan and the Urban Form of Ancient Rome”

Rittershaus, Alison
Curator of Anthropology Collections, Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University
Dissertation (2022): "The Domestic Chestnut: Space, Place, and the Embodiment of Nature at Oplontis Villa A"

Ros, Karen
Lecturer, Department of Classics and Mediterranean Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago
Dissertation (1990): “The Roman Theater at Carthage”

Royer, Jacqueline

Principal/Senior Architect and Planner, Steffian Bradley Architects
M.A. (1984)

Rubin, Benjamin
Dissertation (2009): “Augustus, King of Kings: The Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor, 31 BC - 14 AD”
Assistant Director of Development, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University

Sachs, Emma
Curator, Ilitch Holdings, Inc.
Dissertation (2019): "Style and Variety in the Art of the Roman Domestic Sphere"

Salminen, Elina
Assistant Director for Educational Development, Center for Teaching and Learning, Washington University in St. Louis
Dissertation (2018): "Society and Burials from Central-Western Macedon, 550–300 BCE: Intersections of Gender, Age, and Status"

Samuels, J. Troy
Instructor, Department of History, Philips Exeter Academy
Dissertation (2019): "Recovering Rural Non-Elites: Commoner Landscapes and Rural Infill in the Roman Middle Republic"

Sanders, Helen
Dissertation (2000): “Sculptural Patronage and the Houses of Late Hellenistic Delos”

Schindler, Rebecca
Professor, Classical Studies Department, Depauw University
Dissertation (1998): “The Archaeology of Aphrodite in the Greek West: ca. 650 - 480 B.C.”

Schmalz, Geoffrey
Associate Professor, SNF Centre for Hellenic Studies, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada
Dissertation (1994): “Public Building and Civic Identity in Augustan and Julio-Claudian Athens”

Schoenbrun, Benjamin
Lead Associate; Booz, Allen, Hamilton, McLean, VA
M.A. (1995)

Schwartz, Harriet Sue

M.A. (1980)

Shaya, Josephine
Associate Professor, Department of Classical Studies, College of Wooster
Dissertation (2002): “The Lindos Stele and the Lost Treasures of Athena: Catalogs, Collections, and Local History”

Shoup, Dan
Research Fellow, Università di Bologna
Dissertation (2008): “Places of Power and Value: Meaning and Materiality in the Classical Archaeology of Anatolia ”

Sidebotham, Steven
Professor, Department of History, University of Delaware
M.A. (1977)

Sobocinski, Melanie Grunow
Dissertation (2002): “Architectural Images in Roman State Reliefs, Coins, and Medallions: Imperial Ritual, Ideology, and the Topography of Rome”

Sobotkova, Adela
Associate Professor, School of Culture and Society - History, Aarhus University
Dissertation (2012): “The Valley of Thracian Kings?  Social Complexity of Inland Thrace during Classical and Hellenistic period”

Stavrinides, Nicholas
M.A. (1982)

Stirling, Lea
Canada Research Chair in Roman Archaeology and Associate Professor, Department of Classics, University of Manitoba
Dissertation (1994): “Mythological Statuary in Late Antiquity: A Case Study of Villa Decoration in Southwest Gaul”

Stone, David
Associate Research Scientist, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan
Dissertation (1997): “The Development of an Imperial Territory: Romans, Africans, and the Transformation of the Rural Landscape of Tunisia”

Summitt, J.B.
Head of Research,, NY, NY
Dissertation (2000): “Greek Architectural Polychromy from the Seventh to Second Centuries B.C.: History and Significance”

Swetnam-Burland, Molly
Associate Professor, College of William and Mary
Dissertation (2002): “Egypt in the Roman Imagination: A Study of Aegyptiaca from Pompeii”

Trimble, Jennifer
Associate Professor, Department of Classics, Stanford University
Dissertation (1999): “The Aesthetics of Sameness: A Contextual Analysis of the Large and Small Herculaneum Woman Statue Types in the Roman Empire”

Tucker, Gregory
Dissertation (2021): "The Maritime Façades of the Cities of Coastal Asia Minor in the Early Roman Period"

Tuck, Steven
Professor, Department of Classics, Miami University (OH)
Dissertation (1997): “Creating Roman Imperial Identity and Authority: The Role of Roman Imperial Harbor Monuments”

Van Rosevelt, Ann

Research Affiliate, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
M.A. (1988)

Visona, Paolo
Scholar in Residence, Department of Art & Adjunct Instructor, Modern & Classical Languages, University of Kentucky
Dissertation (1985): “Punic Bronze Coinage: Circulation, Mint Attribution & Chronology”

Welle, Doug

M.A. (1992)

Wilburn, Andrew
Associate Professor, Chair of Archaeological Studies, Department of Classics, Oberlin College
Dissertation (2005): "Materia Magica: The Archaeology of Magic in Egypt, Cyprus and Spain"

Zapelloni Pavia, Arianna
Instructor, Charles University in Prague
Dissertation (2020): "Cultural Change in the Religious Sphere of Ancient Umbria between the 6th and the 1st Centuries BCE"