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Giving Blueday 2025

Support what you love about the Herbarium on 03.19.25

Curator Chris Dick

The University of Michigan Herbarium is home to some of the finest botanical collections in the world. The 1.75 million specimens of vascular plants, algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens combined with the expertise of the faculty-curators, students and staff provide a world-class facility for teaching and research in systematic biology and biodiversity studies.

Your donation on Giving Blue Day to the Biodiversity Exploration Fund makes a real difference. Gifts of any size support our efforts to further our understanding of biodiversity, support fieldwork, collections building, and collections-based research and publications.

We benefit enormously from the generosity of U-M alumni and other friends of the museum. Rapid advances in technology have prompted us to pursue the goal of digitizing and databasing our collection in order to share the knowledge with a wider audience. Our loyal donors provide significant funds for us to pursue this goal on behalf of students, researchers and interested members of the public, as well as other institutions, both educational and governmental.

Each gift contributes to furthering the excellent and wide-ranging work for which the Herbarium, and the University of Michigan, is known. Our sincere thanks to our regular and first-time donors. We invite you to explore our website for further information on our activities.