Science Café: Something Fishy in Lake Michigan
February 19, 2020
Bo Bunnell, U.S.G.S. Great Lakes Science Center and U-M School for Environment and Sustainability; Yu-Chun Kao, MSU's Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability; Ed Rutherford, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab.
From the Great Lakes to the Global Water Crisis: Writers on Water
February 25, 2020
Donovan Hohn, Anna Clark, Keith Taylor, and Margaret Noodin, Michigan Quarterly Review
Lake Sturgeon: Past, present, and future of an ancient fish
February 27, 2020
Matt Friedman, Director, U-M Museum of Paleontology and Associate Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences; Karen Alofs, Assistant Professor, U-M School for Environment and Sustainability; Doug Craven, Director, Natural Resources Department, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians
Listening to Object Witnesses: Decolonizing Research in Museum Collections
March 4 and 10, 2020
Margaret M. Bruchac, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania
Freshwater Stories: Optics, Governance, and Adaptation around the Great Lakes
March 9, 2020
Rachel Havrelock, founder and director, UIC Freshwater Lab
Growing Up Near the Great Lakes
March 10, 2020
Elizabeth Goodenough, Lecturer, University of Michigan Residential College