When you transfer to LSA the following general rules apply to your transfer credit:
The Transfer Credit Equivalency Search (TCE) contains every class that has been submitted for evaluation as transfer credit and indicates if the course is Transferable or Not Transferable. Watch a Step-by-step video on how to use the Transfer Credit Equivalency Search.
If the course is not listed on the Transfer Credit Equivalency Search, that means no student has ever submitted it to have it transferred. These courses will be evaluated upon your acceptance to LSA.
Courses that are approved to transfer will be listed in one of the following ways: Equivalent Credit, Departmental Credit, Interdepartmental Credit, Transfer General Credit
Equivalent Credit
A transferable class determined to be directly equivalent to an LSA class will be listed with a U-M course subject, number, and title indicating that it will appear on your transcript as to that specific LSA course.
Courses that transfer as equivalent to a U-M course will count toward the LSA degree requirements in the same way that the equivalent U-M course does with the exception for the Race and Ethnicity requirement.
Departmental Credit
A transferable class that does not directly match a specific LSA class but fits within the LSA curriculum will be listed with the department subject, 101X, 201X, or 301X as the course number, and “Departmental” instead of a course title.
Many courses that transfer as departmental credit have already been approved to count for specific LSA degree requirements. See the Transfer Guides to see what specific courses will count toward general degree requirements. To count these courses toward credit for majors and minors, you will need to have them evaluated by an advisor in the department of your major.
Interdepartmental Credit:
A transferable class that contains content from multiple LSA departments will be posted as Interdepartmental credit with a subject of INTERSS, INTERHUM, INTERNS, or INTERID and will automatically count toward the Area Distribution requirements as shown on the Transfer Guide.
Transfer General Credit
A transferable class that does not fit into any U-M subject will be listed as TRGENCR 101X: Departmental. Courses transferring as TRGENCR will not count toward any specific degree requirement but will be elective credit and the credit hours will count toward the 120 credit requirement.
The Transfer Credit Equivalency Search does not include details on how transferable courses fulfill LSA degree requirements. The transfer guides show how transfer credit will count toward specific LSA degree requirements.
Please note: the Transfer Guides are provided as a tool to help you select courses at your current institution. LSA does not require specific courses in order to be admitted.
These detailed guides will help you plan your coursework to make sure that you are taking classes that will transfer and count for LSA degree requirements. There is a general degree requirement guide for each Michigan community college and guides for some majors.
Although we do not have specific transfer guides for colleges and universities outside of the Michigan community colleges, these general transfer guides will help you understand how your credits will count for LSA degree requirements so that you can plan your course work. The guides cover both general degree requirements and information for some majors.
Office Hours
Monday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:00am - 7:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 7:00pm