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POSTPONED TO SEPTEMBER: Third Annual U-M STS Mini-Conference

Friday, April 15, 2016
4:00 AM

On April 15, 2016, we are hosting the third iteration of the STS Mini-Conference! The theme this year is "Translating Bodies" to reflect on the work we do across diverse sites, bodies and practices, in and beyond the academy. We have decided on three main activities (described below) and now solicit participation for each session. The goal of the event is to experiment and learn from one another, to extend our community building efforts, and get feedback on your work.

If you would like to participate, please fill out this form, including your name and your proposed topic.

PechaKucha: In a PechaKucha 20x20 presentation, you get 20 slides (no more, no less) and 20 seconds to present each one. Slides are advanced automatically. Total presentation time is 6 minutes 40 seconds.  Be bold, be creative, and above all - be fast! See examples here:

Finding Translations across sites, bodies, and practices: Has your research translated into policy? Are you collaborating with your interlocutors? Are you partnering with designers, scientists, citizens, companies, organizations, etc. as part of your research? Use these 10 minute presentations to share and reflect on your own work that extends beyond the academy. What are the challenges of reaching beyond familiar territory and translating across and between fieldsites and scholarly work? Propose a talk or a panel conversation! Talks that incorporate more than one speaker are most welcome.  If you want to bring somebody into this conversation from outside of academia, please do so!

Sensing STS: To demonstrate how STS scholars embrace multi-disciplinarity and investigate situated practices of science and technology, this session focuses on emergent tools, sites and techniques that support multi-sensorial (touch, hear, feel, see, smell) modes of comprehending and experiencing science and technology. This session aims to make sense(s) of STS in practice, by drawing out examples of senses being put into use during research, or senses as an object of inquiry. Bring an object or prepare a task for a break-out group based on your methodology, thing, or practice from your research -- which involves translating scientific and technological knowledges into visceral experiences or the viscera as an entry point into STS. This can include a short presentation, a demonstration, a hands-on workshop session, a nature walk, or similar to show how such a methodology, thing or practice assist in data-collection, analysis, theory, etc. For instance, think about how bioacoustics can be used to trace disappearing species or how mushrooms bring together foragers, sellers, buyers, anthropologists, and cooks in a world grappling with capitalist dilapidation, etc. Please make note of any (reasonable) accommodations you may need to make ‘sense’ of STS in your presentation.

To submit for any of the above, please fill out this form.

We're excited to hear from you!

Casey Pierce, Cindy Lin, Katie Wataha, RJ Koscielniak, Salem Elzway, Silvia Lindtner (The Organizing Committee 2016)