"An intentionally diverse community, MCSP interrupts the experience of
segregated residential communities from which the students typically come . . .
it serves as an excellent model that could be expanded at Michigan
and certainly replicated on other campuses."
~Beverly Daniel Tatum, Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
Help us sustain MCSP’s transformative community this year and every year by making a gift to MCSP. Now more than ever, your support makes a significant difference to the program and our students. As we face together the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, economic inequality, and systemic racism, MCSP works diligently and intentionally to create a civically engaged, diverse, and dialogic learning community where students can connect, grow, and thrive at U-M.
The Michigan Community Scholars Program is nationally recognized for its intentional and successful efforts to build an engaged, compassionate, diverse community emphasizing academic excellence, close faculty-student interaction, community service, and intergroup dialogue. MCSP students are empowered to take on leadership roles in MCSP and throughout the University of Michigan to make a difference in the world.
Each year we offer small grants for MCSP students for innovative social justice initiatives and programs. In past years, our students have initiated projects that have had an important impact on campus and in the community, including the Flint Justice Partnership, HackBlue, WolveReaders, Smile Bringer Singers, SWAP (Scarves With a Purpose), Brightmoor Youth Garden, International Peace Players Fundraiser, Freedom House Partnership, Breakdancing Fundraiser to Feed the Hungry, etc. With your help, we can substantially increase the number of grants and the amount of funds we can offer students.
The MCSP Travel Scholarship Fund aims to make domestic and international travel with MCSP accessible to all MCSP students. This includes activities such as the GSP-MCSP-Inkululeko South Africa Service Trip, Alternative Spring Break, and May Service Immersion.