Office Information:
5218 BSB
phone: 734.764.2802
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
2004 Ph.D., Johns Hopkins UniversityCurrent Courses
MCDB 440-001
Cell Cycle Control and Cancer
Recent Publications
miR-8 modulates cytoskeletal regulators to influence cell survival and epithelial organization in Drosophila wings.
Laura Buttita
The miR-200 microRNA family plays important tumor suppressive roles. The sole Drosophila miR-200 ortholog, miR-8 plays conserved roles in Wingless, Notch and Insulin signaling - pathways linked to tumorigenesis, yet homozygous null animals are viable and often appear morphologically normal. We observed that wing tissues mosaic for miR-8 levels by genetic loss or gain of function exhibited patterns of cell death consistent with a role for miR-8 in modulating cell survival in vivo. Here we show that miR-8 levels impact several actin cytoskeletal regulators that can affect cell survival and epithelial...
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