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This poster highlights our experience throughout our time as interns for Peace Boat US. In this poster we have 5 different sections. What is Peace Boat? introduces Peace Boat US, what it stands for, what it works towards, and how it supports the Sustainable Development Goals as it strives to promote peace, one voyage at a time. CG5 and Peace Boat gives a little bit of insight into our CG’s unique members and the connection we developed with our sponsor, Emilie McGlone. Here, we will talk about the general operations of our CG. 

Social Media discusses our contribution to Peace Boat’s efforts by engaging in social media and social outreach. UNODA Report discusses our CG’s work on a document we created to educate others on missile disarmament in support of the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs. Takeaways highlights what our CG members learned from their experience, allowing for our members to share an important lesson they learned from the internship experience