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LRCCS Special Presentation ~ CHINA Town Hall: Local Connections, National Reflections

Monday, October 5, 2015
4:00 AM
Commons Area and Stern Auditorium, U-M Museum of Art

The Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies will partner with the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations in New York for its ninth annual CHINA Town Hall, a national day of China-related programming. The evening will begin with a reception at 5:00pm in the Commons area of the U-M Museum of Art, and will be followed at 6:00pm by a presentation, Chinese Dreams and Chinese Nightmares, 1915-2015, by Jeff Wasserstrom, Chancellor’s Professor of History at UC Irvine in Stern Auditorium. At 7:00pm, we will be broadcasting a live webcast of a panel discussion in DC on “Chinese Investment in the United States” with Former Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin, Mayor Sheldon Day (Thomasville, Alabama), and Mr. Daniel Rosen, founding partner of Rhodium Group. The event is free and open to the public.

Stephen A. Orlins, President, National Committee on U.S.-China Relations will serve as the moderator.

Chinese Dreams and Chinese Nightmares,

This talk will look at recurring themes of hope and fear in Chinese literature and politics. The starting point will be the 1915 founding of Xin Qingnian (New Youth), a magazine which early on published both important essays by people who would go on to play leading roles in the Chinese Communist Party and powerful stories by figures such as Lu Xun. The ending point will be the present year, when there is much talk in the China of Xi Jinping's "Chinese Dream" but also fiction being written that revisits and updates nightmares not unlike those found in Lu Xun's classic dark tales from the early twentieth century.

Jeffrey Wasserstrom is Chancellor's Professor of History at UC Irvine, where he also holds a courtesy appointment in Law and serves as Historical Writing Mentor for the Literary Journalism Program. The Editor of the Journal of Asian Studies and a former members of the Board of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, he is the author of numerous scholarly articles and four books, the most recent of which, China in the 21st Century What Everyone Needs to Know (Oxford University Press, 2010 and 2013 editions), has been translated into Chinese (complex characters), Korean, and Turkish. His commentaries and reviews have appeared in a wide range of newspapers (including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Financial Times), magazines, blogs, and journals of opinion.

Cosponsored by the National Committee on US-China Relations
