CSAS has been a hub of interdisciplinary research for faculty and researchers from a variety of disciplines and professional schools at the University of Michigan who are substantially engaged in research and/or teaching on South Asia or have an interest in South Asian studies. To expand this intellectual community and develop a local South Asian studies community, CSAS has established an Affiliates Program. To learn more about the program, please visit the CSAS Affiliate Program page.
Aniket Aga
Michigan Society of Fellows; Assistant Professor of Geography
State University of New York, Buffalo
Education: PhD, Yale University
Research Interests: Political Economy; Development; Agrarian & Food Studies; Science & Technology Studies; Environment & Sustainability; Anthropology of the State; South Asia
Amita Baviskar
Hughes Fellowship; Professor of Environmental Studies and Sociology and Anthropology
Ashoka University
Education: PhD, Cornell University
Research Interests: Environment & Development in Rural and Urban India; Social Inequality; Natural Resource Conflicts; Food & Changing Agrarian Environments
Meenu Deswal
Doctoral Candidate in History (Defended)
University of Michigan
Education: MPhil, Jawaharlal Nehru University; MA, Jawaharlal Nehru University; BA, University of Delhi
Research Interests: Modern South Asia and British Empire, Histories of Caste, Gender, and Labor, Law and Society, Rural and Agrarian Histories, Political ecology
Stewart Gordon
Independent Scholar
Education: BA, MA, PhD, University of Michigan
Research Interests: Pre-Colonial South Asian History; Trans-regional Asian History; World History
Perry Myers Jr.
Professor of German and Modern Languages and Cultures
Albion College
Education: BA, MBA, Baylor University; MA, PhD, University of Texas
Research Interests: Enlightenment History & Culture, Modern Era Multiculturalism in Germany; Vergangenheitsbewältigung & Crime Novels; German Film
Saleema Waraich
Associate Professor Of Art History
Skidmore College
Education: BA, University of California; MA, University of Wisconsin; PhD, University of California
Research Interests: Early Modern & Contemporary Eras of South Asia; Mughal Material