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Center for South Asian Studies (CSAS)

Recent News

CSAS Presents Annual Trautmann Lecture with Patrick Olivelle

Olivelle, from the University of Texas, visited CSAS in January 2025 to help us further understand the Indian land ethic, based on Tom Trautmann’s definition focused on the Indian war elephant and the establishment of elephant forests.

Asia in the Headlines: India, China and Trump 2.0

CSAS and other II centers sponsored the third edition of the "Asia in Headlines" seminar, titled "India, China, and Trump 2.0," in January 2025.

The Center for South Asian Studies at the University of Michigan is a national leader in promoting a deeper understanding of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka. The center offers a range of area-related courses taught by outstanding faculty, a scholarly lecture series, conferences, study abroad fellowships, student colloquiums and opportunities to volunteer, sponsor and cosponsor a variety of events. CSAS is also a US Department of Education designated National Resource Center, funded to develop area studies education for this region of the world.