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UMSI Global Information Engagement Program Open Presentation Session

Monday, April 21, 2014
4:00 AM
Space 2435 North Quad

Sponsored by The School of Information

"Description: The School of Information's Global Information Engagement Program (GIEP), a new engaged learning program at UM, is an innovative approach to learning which partners non-profit, research, and educational organizations with multi-disciplinary graduate student teams to work on capacity-building social-impact projects.

Student project teams from UMSI have spent winter term studying an identified information challenge and will depart to India in May to implement the outcome of their project.  The project teams will present to the UM community on their projects and provide demonstrations of their work.  Projects include the first interactive disability policy portal in India, a platform for human rights lawyers to network and share resources, the development of a digital learning tool to support human-mediated trainings on farming best practices, amongst others."

Student project teams from UMSI