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In Search of a Better World - the Path of Movement Building: One Man's Journey linking Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Rosa Parks

Tuesday, April 1, 2014
4:00 AM
DAAS Conference Room (Haven Hall 4th Floor)

International Law Workshop

Wofford, former US Senator and co-founder of the Peace Corps, was a Fulbright scholar in India's first year of independence and subsequently an advisor to both President Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.  Wofford has some incredible stories based on his personal experience; his 2-page foreward in the book Journeys in Service gives you more insight into Wofford's relationship with India and the civil rights movement.

Wofford has made powerful choices (first white person to graduate from all-black Howard Law School), has a deep commitment to public service (former CEO of Corporation for National and Community Service and author Of Kennedys and Kings), served as an advocate and witness to the Civil Rights Movement, and has an incredibly sharp memory on the unfolding of events in the 60s.

Haris Wofford, Former US Senator