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Canguilhem, Deleuze, and Developmental Systems Theory

Friday, March 21, 2014
4:00 AM
1022 Thayer

A Case Study of Naturalism in the Continental Tradition by John Protevi

A workshop and lecture by Dr. John Protevi, the Phyllis M Taylor Professor of French Studies and Professor of Philosophy at Louisiana State University. This will be the second to last event in our speaker series, Material Encounters: An Interdisciplinary Series.

The workshop will be a discussion of his recent conference paper, entitled "Darwin, Disaster and War: Comments on Prosociality," at 10:00 AM in the Comparative Literature Library, on the second floor of Tisch Hall. You can download a copy of the paper here. Bagels and other refreshments will be provided.

The lecture, "Canguilhem, Deleuze, and Developmental Systems Theory: A Case Study of Naturalism in the Continental Tradition," will be held in 1022 Thayer at 3:00 PM.

John Protevi is Phyllis M Taylor Professor of French Studies and Professor of Philosophy at Louisiana State University. He is the author of Life, War, Earth: Deleuze and the Sciences (Minnesota, 2013); Political Affect: Connecting the Social and the Somatic (Minnesota, 2009); Political Physics: Deleuze, Derrida, and the Body Politic (Athlone, 2001); Time and Exteriority: Aristotle, Heidegger, Derrida (Bucknell, 1994); and co-author, with Mark Bonta, of Deleuze and Geophilosophy (Edinburgh, 2004), He is also the editor of A Dictionary of Continental Philosophy (Yale, 2006). He was the Scots Philosophical Association Centenary Fellow for 2012. His research and teaching materials are at; he is also a blogger at New APPS.

Presented by the Deleuze Interest Group, the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, and the Program in Science, Technology & Society. Part of Material Encounters: An Interdisciplinary Series.

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