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The 19th Annual Charles F. Fraker Conference

Thursday, November 14, 2013
5:00 AM
Space 2435 North Quad

"Thinking with Things: Towards a Matter-Oriented Cultural Analysis”

Sponsored by: Romance Languages and Literatures

Co-sponsored by: Anthropology, Center for European Studies, Comparative Literature, English, History of Art, Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Architecture, Rackham Dean's Strategic Fund, Screen Arts and Cultures, American Culture, Political Science and Institute for the Humanities

Keynote address by:
Professor Webb Keane (Anthropology, University of Michigan)
"Rotting Bodies: Material Religion and Ethical Life"
Thursday, Nov 14th, 6:00 PM
North Quad Space 2435

Professor Bill Brown (English and Visual Arts, University of Chicago)
"Re-Assemblages (Art and Artifactuality)"
Friday, Nov 15th, 6:30 PM
North Quad Space 2435

Workshop with keynotes (pre-registration required):
Saturday, Nov 16th, 10:00 AM
North Quad Space 2435

Pre-circulated workshop materials will be sent to workshop attendees. For workshop registration, please go to: