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North Quad Translation Mondays: Words Without Borders

Monday, November 12, 2012
5:00 AM
2435 North Quad

This panel will focus on new media for writing in, through, and about translation.

Our guest speaker Susan Harris will talk about Words Without Borders, the online magazine for international literature, and her work with translators around the world to promote the circulation of literary translations through new media.

Panelists will contribute their perspectives on their initiatives to promote translating, teaching, and writing in a digital age: Megan Berkobien (translator for Asymptote and founding editor of Canon Translation Review), Raymond McDaniel (English Department and instructor of Sweetland course on "Remix Cultures"), Naomi Silver (Sweetland Writing Center and member of the UM Digital Rhetoric Collaborative).

Co-sponsored by Sweetland Writing Center and the Fall 2012 LSA Translation Theme Semester.