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Meditopos Film Screening: Öteki Kasaba (The Other Town)

Thursday, November 29, 2012
5:00 AM
North Quad, room 2435

The Mediterranean Topographies Workshop is pleased to present Öteki Kasaba (The Other Town), the third film in our 2012-2013 documentary series, "Screening the Mediterranean."

The Other Town takes us on a journey through the pages of Greek and Turkish history as experienced through the perceptions, assumptions, and memories of the inhabitants of two specific towns: Birgi, in western Turkey; and Dimitsana, in the central Peloponnese. These communities are rich in memories about the “Other,” built upon a history of occupation (Birgi by the Greek army, Dimitsana by the Ottomans).

The filmmakers, Hercule Millas and Nefin Dinç, ask key questions: how is history taught in schools; how is the “Other” presented during national festivities; what do local officials think and say about the conflict and the past; what are the perceptions and the prejudices of the laymen and of children; and what do the museums exhibit as history?

The screening will be followed by an open discussion, led by Nefin Dinç.

Please go to for more information about this and other Meditopos events.