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Thinking Back, Looking Forward: Perspectives on Mental Time Travel

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
4:00 AM
4448 East Hall

A symposium jointly sponsored by the Psychology Department and Department of Comparative Literature. Three speakers representing a diverse range of perspectives on "mental time travel," how people make sense of their pasts and imagine their futures. The talks will encompass memory biases, forecasting errors, temporal distance, mental simulation, emotion perception, and motivation, among other exciting areas of research.

"Thinking Back, Looking Forward:
Perspectives on Mental Time Travel"


Leaf Van Boven
Colorado Boulder, Psychology & Neuroscience
"Feeling close: The Phenomenological Foundations of Psychological Distance"

Daphna Oyserman,
University of Michigan, Psychology, ISR, Social Work
"From Future Self to Current Action"

Peter Railton
University of Michigan, Philosophy
"Navigating into the Future or Driven by the Past?"

Light refreshments at 5:15pm, open to the public.

Sponsored by the Department of Comparative Literature