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Women Visualizing Africa Film Series

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
5:00 AM
2435 North Quad 105 South State Street

Filmmakers will be present for Q&A for each film.
This film series highlights poetic images produced by African women filmmakers. Throughout Africa, women have emerged from the double oppression of patriarchy and colonialism. As producers, directors, actresses, scriptwriters, financiers, promoters, marketers and distributors of film, television, and video, they have become the unsung heroines of the moving image in postcolonial Africa. Unfortunately, these immense contributions by women are underrepresented, both in industry debates and in academic research. There are now many cases in which African women in front of and behind the camera lens have overcome social barriers, yet this is often overlooked.
Organizers: Professor Frieda Ekotto (Afroamerican and African Studies and Comparative Literature) and Marie Stoll, PhD Candidate (Romance Languages and Literatures)

January 10: Eléonore Yameogo “Paris mon paradis"
January 23: Sarah Bouyain “The Place in Between”
January 24: Sarah Bouyain “Children of the White Man”
February 14: Yaba Bodoe “The Witches of Gambaga”
March 6: Jihan El-Tahri “Cuba: An African Odyssey”
April 10: Pascale Obolo “Calypso at Dirty Jim’s (2010) and La femme invisible/The Invisible Woman (2009)
Special Thanks to all our supports:
DAAS (Department of Afroamerican and African Studies)
Comparative Literature (Year of Anachronism)
African Studies Center
Institute for the Humanities
International Institute
IRWG (Institute for Research on Women and Gender)
Rackham School of Graduate Studies
Romance Languages and Literatures
CEW (Center of Education on Women)
CMENAS (Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies)
OVPR (Office of the Vice President for Research)
LSA (College of Literature, Science and the Arts)
LACS (Latin American and Caribbean Studies)
SAC (Screen Arts and Cultures)