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Lecture with Denise Ferreira da Silva 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
4:00 AM

Rivers of Blood: Raciality, Violence, and the Possibility of Global Justice 


The Department of Comparative Literature  and the Global Ethnic Literature Studies at the University of Michigan Presents:


Denise Ferreira da Silva   UC, San Diego

Rivers of Blood: Raciality, Violence, and the Possibility of Global Justice



4:00 pm

Wednesday, April 1st  

Pond ABC, Michigan Union



In this talk, I introduce a critical tool to guide the analyses of how racial/cultural difference produces persons, legal-moral subjects that inhabit but the stage of violence. With the analytical construct the Scene of Nature I focus upon the productive force of these post-Enlightenment political-symbolic devices. My objective here is  to make a case for the privileging of raciality in critical excavations of the contemporary global (ethico-juridico) terrain. Only such move, I am convinced, allows a radical critique of a political context in which the "other of Europe" remains consistently positioned as an affectable "I," that is, as a kind of (modern) human being with/out law and morality.

Sponsored by the University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs: The Office of the Vice President for Research: The Rackham School of Graduate Studies.