Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology / Associate Curator of High Latitude and Western North American Archaeology
Office Information:
Suite 3010 School of Education Bldg (Room 3028A)
610 E. University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1259
phone: 734.764.7571
hours: Fall 2020: Mondays 10 am - noon, via Zoom
Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
Research interests: human ecology; hunter-gatherers; stone technologies and their evolution; adaptations to marginal environments and climate change; Patagonia
I study the influences of ecological, demographic, and social factors on prehistoric hunter-gatherers’ behaviors and broader cultural change through time. My current field projects in Patagonia use simple economic models incorporating these factors to generate predictions of hunter-gatherer settlement and resource use at different times in the past. My current lab-based projects are designed to test and develop models of cultural transmission and technological evolution, and to refine Patagonian chronologies using obsidian hydration. Please visit my Research and pages for more information.
- UM Department of Anthropology
- UM Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
- UM Program in the Environment
- UM Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
- Laboratorio de Paleoecología Humana (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina)
- Centro de Investigación en Ecosystemas de la Patagonia (Aysén, Chile)
Selected publications:
Garvey R. 2020. Human Ecology, Perceptual Bias, and the Co-Occurrence of Archaeological Gaps with Climate Change. In Cowboy Ecologist: Essays in Honor of Robert L. Bettinger, edited by Terry Jones, Michael Delacorte, and Roshanne Bhaktiary, pp 1-22. Center for Archaeological Research at Davis, California.
Garvey, R. 2019. Cultural transmission and sources of diversity: A comparison of temperate maritime foragers of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In Foraging in the Past: Archaeological Studies in Hunter-Gatherer Diversity, edited by A. Lemke. University Press of Colorado.
Garvey, R. 2018. Current and potential roles of archaeology in the development of cultural evolutionary theory. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 373: 20170057.
Garvey, R. and R. Bettinger. 2018. A regional approach to prehistoric landscape use in west-central Argentina. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 19:846-855.
Garvey, R. and F. Mena. 2016. Confronting complexities of artifact - geofact debates: Re-analysis of a coarse volcanic rock assemblage from Chilean Patagonia. Lithic Technology 41:114-129.
Garvey. R. 2015. A model of lithic raw material procurement. In Lithic Technological Systems and Evolutionary Theory, edited by N. Goodale and W. Andrefsky, Jr., pp. 156-171.